Temples Of Langkawi

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Prominent temples or mosques with rich history or vibrant architecture in Langkawi are virtually non-existent. There are only a couple of small Buddhist and Hindu temples, a few mosques, including the largest Central Mosque of the island of Al-Hana, but there is no place where it would be worth specifically going to admire the beauty of the temples. Here is a list and a brief description of the most interesting religious buildings of the island:

  • Al-Hana Mosque

    Al-Khan Mosque

    It is the largest, most popular and most beautiful mosque in Langkawi. Magnificent golden domes tower over the surrounding palm trees, and the mosque itself is located in an excellent location on the Quah promenade next to the park "Legends of Langkawi".

    Remember that when visiting the mosque, you should be dressed appropriately and not make noise.

    🕐 Working hours: you can visit the mosque at any time, but it is not always possible to get inside

    💵 Entrance fee / tickets price: free.

    🚶 How to get there: the mosque is located in the town of Kuah near the marina (Al-Khan Mosque on the map)

  • Wat Koh Wanararm Temple

    Wat Koh Wanaram Temple

    Wat Koh Wanaram (also Wat Wanararm, also Luang Por Khun) – in our opinion the most interesting Thai Buddhist temple on the island. the "highlight" is the statue of the goddess of mercy Kuan Yin, carved directly into the marble rock. Rather, it has not yet been carved, and for several years it has been in the works, because the temples are built on donations, and there are not so many Buddhists on the island. In addition to the statue, the territory of the temple is interesting for its landscaped park with ponds, streams, bridges, beautiful plants and even gazebos. There are also eight stupas dedicated to different states of the soul. Wat Koh Wanaram is located a little off the road and away from populated areas, so it is always quiet and peaceful, and you can spend about an hour walking around the territory. Learn more

    🕐 Working hours: during daytime.

    💵 Entrance fee / tickets price: free.

    🚶 How to get there: The Temple is located in the West about two kilometers from the center of Kuah (on the map of Langkawi), slightly off the main road. You can get here by taxi or rented transport. On the main road of Jalan Ayer Hangat street there is a sign for the temple and the orchid farm, after turning on the sign you need to drive another two hundred meters and turn again (left) on the sign. Transport can be left at the site near the temple for free.

  • Wat Tham Kisap temple and Hindu temple

    Wat Tham Kisap Temple

    Another Thai Buddhist Langkawi temple located near the temple Wat Koh Wanararm. It is located at the foot of the same Marble Cliff as Koh Wanararm and a little off the road surrounded by trees. Interesting for a large number of sculptures of animals, mythical creatures and monks. There is a large statue of a golden sitting Buddha.

    Very close, just 100 meters along the cliff, is a modest Hindu temple. It is interesting for a shallow flat cave located behind the buildings of the temple in the marble rock.

    Both temples are worth coming here if you drive past on the main road, but especially for the sake of visiting here in this part of the island you should not go. Be careful, there are a lot of stray dogs in these places. Learn more

    🕐 Working hours: during daytime.

    💵 Entrance fee / tickets price: free.

    🚶 How to get there: The Temple is located in the West about two kilometers from the center of Kuah and a couple of hundred meters from the main road (on the map of Langkawi). The turn in the temple is easy to miss, because it is marked by an inconspicuous poster, which is visible only when moving from the city of Kuah. Turning to the temple and driving 200 meters, you will come to a fork, on the left of which there will be a Thai temple, and on the right a Hindu temple.

  • Sri Maha Mariamman Devasthana Temple

    Sri Maha Mariamman Devasthana Temple

    The Sri Maha Mariamman Devasthana Hindu temple is nothing special and most of the time it is empty, neither tourists nor locals. It is always open, including for tourists, and you can freely go inside to inspect and take pictures. It becomes crowded only during the Hindu holidays.

    🕐 Working hours: during daytime.

    💵 Entrance fee / tickets price: free.

    🚶 How to get there: The Temple is located in the east of the island in the village of Air Hangat right next to the main ring road (Sri Maha Mariamman Devasthana on the map of Langkawi).

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