Malacca - Tourist Information, weather, seasons
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General information
Malacca (also Melacca, English Malacca, Malay. Melaka) - the capital city of the state of Malacca on the west coast of the mainland (Malacca Peninsula) Malaysia. Most of the city's population has Chinese roots. Descendants of European colonizers from mixed marriages also live here. The population of the city in 2010 numbered more than 483 thousand people. Malacca is located on the west coast about 130 kilometers south of Kuala Lumpur (Malacca on an interactive map of Malaysia)
Malacca was once the first capital of Malaysia (or rather, the then newly formed state on the territory of Modern Malaysia - the Malacca Sultanate), and was such until the Portuguese landed here in 1511. Then Malacca was taken by the Portuguese fleet under the command of Albuquerque. In 1641, the Dutch took possession of Malacca, and in 1795 they were replaced by the British. The Netherlands recognized the loss of Malacca under the 1824 Treaty of London and ceded it to the British.
All these events associated with the change of owners of the city and cultures, could not but leave their historical imprint on Malacca. And although for the participants of the events of that time these changes were shocks and tragedies, today we have a city rich in history and culture, which is one of the most popular places among tourists in mainland Malaysia, and is considered the cultural center of the country. In 2008, the city was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is quite reasonable to compare Malacca with Russian St. Petersburg. But, unfortunately, Russian tourists, most often preferring beach holidays and night entertainment, this city is visited very rarely.
It is the large number of attractions and rich history that attract tourists to Malacca. The city is very interesting for its historical sights and everything here is permeated with historical events of different periods. There is no beach holiday, but there is a lot to see and do. Most of the city's attractions are located nearby, which allows you to get acquainted with the city in one day, but this is clearly not enough. Interesting places are not only in the city, but also beyond, in the state of Malacca. It's a zoo, hot springs, a tropical fruit farm, traditional villages, rainforests and more, and it takes at least a week to get there.
The infrastructure for tourists looking for a cultural sightseeing holiday here is at a high level, and hotels in Malacca are of different levels. What is good, here you can find a very, very budget accommodation for a few dollars, and stay in luxury apartments for reasonable money. The main guests of Malacca are still tourists from Malaysia and China, there are very few Europeans. This imposes some difficulties in communication, food, accommodation, but in general there are no serious difficulties with rest.
The easiest way to visit Malacca is to come to the city for a one - or two-day excursion on your own or as part of an organized group. Such excursions can be found in Kuala Lumpur, in Penang and at other resorts in Malaysia. For those who are used to organizing their trip on their own, it will not be difficult to come here for a day or two, and slowly explore all the historical corners of the city. Staying here longer or spending your entire vacation here is not worth it, but if you have the opportunity to visit Malacca, you should not refuse this opportunity.
Weather in Malacca, tourist seasons
The weather and seasons for staying in Malacca are not very important, because they go here for excursions, and not for a tan. Of course, I would not like to get into a hurricane, but they are here extremely rarely and almost all year round it is hot and sunny. So you can safely go here at any time of the year. Unless before leaving Kuala Lumpur or another city in Malaysia, you can check the weather in Malacca on the Internet, so as not to get really into bad weather.
Tourist seasons in Malacca by month, when is the best time to go
Jan | Feb | March | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov. | Dec |
*best time to visit;
acceptable time to visit;
not recommended time to visit
Current Malacca weather and forecast
Useful information
Smoking ban. Malaysian Malacca since June 15, 2011 became the first non-smoking City in Malaysia. The smoking ban law was adopted by the authorities in order to eradicate the widespread smoking habit in the country and attract foreign tourists.
According to the minister of Health, the ban will help preserve architectural monuments, as it will reduce air pollution and promote a healthy lifestyle of the local population.
For violation of the ban faces a fine of 300 ringgit (currency of Malaysia), and the maximum fine for gross and repeated violations can reach 5,000 ringgit.
Tuesday off.Tuesdays are an official holiday in the state of Malacca, and almost all state institutions, museums, attractions are closed to the public. If you decide to visit Malacca for one day as an excursion, do not do it on Tuesday.
Tourist Information and maps. You can not find free maps and tourist information in Malacca on every corner. An excellent Information Center is located in the heart of the historic district next to the bridge (see its position on the interactive map of Malacca). There you can find free maps and many booklets with information about excursions and attractions, book a tour. Some sightseeing booklets contain discount coupons to buy tickets or information about promotions. When entering the Information Center, you need to take off your shoes.
Bus 317. If you have travelled to the city centre from the Malacca intercity bus station by bus number 17, take the time to board at the same stop to drive back. The bus will travel for another hour around the city. You need to go through Jonker Street and take the return bus there (this stop is marked on our map of Malacca).
Currency exchange. There are not many exchange offices in Malacca, so if possible, change money before traveling to Malacca in other major cities. However, the rate here is slightly higher than at Kuala Lumpur airport, so it is better to look for an exchanger here than to change at the airport.
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