Visa to Malaysia, Malaysia customs regulations

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Attention! We try to constantly monitor any changes in the visa regime and timely enter the most reliable information on this page. However, we do not guarantee that the information provided corresponds to the rapidly changing visa rules of individual countries, accordingly, the information on this page is provided for information.

To enter Malaysia for tourist purposes, a visa is not required for citizens of the former USSR countries for the duration of their stay:

  • Russia-for 30 days
  • Belarus-for 30 days
  • Kazakhstan-30 days
  • Kyrgyzstan-90 days
  • Turkmenistan-90 days
  • Estonia-90
  • Latvia-90 days
  • Lithuania-90 days
  • Armenia-30 days
  • Azerbaijan-30 days
  • Georgia-30 days
  • Moldova-30 days
  • Tajikistan-30
  • Ukraine-30
  • Uzbekistan-30

For a longer continuous stay, citizens of the above countries need to obtain a visa in advance at the consulate, but in practice it is much easier for tourists to travel by land or by plane to one of the neighboring countries (Thailand, Singapore, etc.), then again at the entrance to get a new visa-free period of stay.

Citizens of other countries are required to obtain a visa on arrival or online (online starting in 2017).

Stamps for visa-free stay in Malaysia (right)

Visa-free entry to Malaysia

To enter Malaysia, citizens of the countries listed above do not need anything other than a passport, a return ticket or a ticket to a third country. The entry procedure is extremely simple: after checking the documents, a stamp is simply put into the passport and a sticker is pasted. This stamp is placed on all border crossings to Malaysia (land, airports, ports).

Requirements for visa-free entry to Malaysia:

  • A foreign passport with a validity period of at least six months from the date of entry.
  • One blank page in the passport for stamping.
  • Return tickets or tickets to any other country no later than 30 days after entry.

There are no requirements for mandatory vaccination before entering Malaysia.

After arrival, before passing through passport control, you must fill out a simple immigration card in English (you must save it before leaving the country), which indicates: full name, date and place of birth, citizenship, profession, permanent residence address, passport number, visa number, issued by whom and date of issue (if a visa is available), departure point.

The rule that you must present a return ticket or a ticket to any other country for departure/departure from Malaysia is rarely checked, and in most cases the border guards are limited to asking on duty how many days you arrived in Malaysia (How long you'll stay in Malaysia?) or ask nothing at all.

Nevertheless, there is still a chance to be refused entry due to the lack of a ticket. In this case, you can buy an inexpensive ticket to any neighboring country directly at the airport online, and present it to the border guard (an electronic ticket on the smartphone screen will do). You can also buy an inexpensive ticket in advance at home, or a more expensive ticket at a refundable rate and then refuse it. You can go for a trick, presenting a "fake" printout of an electronic ticket, but keep in mind that if you are caught on this, you may well turn back.

Extension of visa-free stay in Malaysia

If you want to stay in Malaysia for more than 1 month and do not want to apply for a visa, you can do "visa-run", i.e. leave for a short period in any neighboring country, and then return and again get a 30-day stay permit at passport control. If you do "visa-ran" repeatedly without interruptions, then the border guards may have questions, and they may refuse you re-entry. Such cases occurred after three "vizaranov" in a row.

The easiest way is to travel with the purpose of "visa-ran" to the neighboring Thailand (if Of course you are on the mainland), for example in the city Hatyai (Hatyai), to enter which Russian citizens also do not need a visa and where it is easy to get from Malaysia by train, bus or ferry (read INF. visa to Thailand). Also on the ground you can go to Singapore, by plane to Vietnam, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia.

There is another way to extend the period of visa-free stay: you can contact the immigration office in Malaysia and ask for an extension of the visa-free period. In case of a positive decision, you will receive a so-called Special pass. It is difficult to get it more than once, besides, you must have good reasons (illness, accident, administrative or criminal prosecution, etc.) to ask for it.

Obtaining a visa

For a continuous stay in Malaysia for more than 1 month, you must apply for a visa in advance at the embassy. The visa is issued only once for a stay of 2 months. At the end of the validity period, the visa can be extended for another 2 or 4 months depending on the type of visa.

To obtain a visa in Russia, you must contact the Embassy of Malaysia in Moscow. Required documents: passport, 2 questionnaires in English with attached photos, invitation (tourist, private or official) and an air ticket with the date of departure from the country. A trip with children is possible if they are indicated in the invitation. Children under 16 fit into the visa of their parents (mother).

A consular fee of $10 is charged for obtaining a visa.

The usual period for processing documents at the embassy is up to 2 weeks, the minimum is 3 days.

Exceeding the period of visa-free stay or visa period

If you have exceeded the period of visa-free stay of 30 days or the period of stay on a visa, you will face quite big problems. To get out of this situation, you should contact the nearest Immigration Office (Immigration department) in Malaysia with return tickets for departure. There you will have to pay a fine of 30 ringgit (currency of Malaysia) for each day of delay before the date indicated in your ticket. If you exceed the deadline by more than 30 days, then you will face a huge fine of 3000 ringgit.

If you try to cross the border with an expired deadline, then you will have a chance to be deported and problems entering Malaysia in the future. Of course, without a fine, too, can not do.

Addresses of embassies and consulates

Embassy of Malaysia in Moscow

Address: Mosfilmovskaya STR., 50, 117192, Moscow
Phone number: +7(495) 1471512; +7(495) 1471514; +7(495) 1471523
Fax: +7(495) 9379602
Operating mode: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00

Russian Embassy in Malaysia

Address: No.263, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Fax: (+603) 4257 6091
Operating mode: Monday 08.00-14.00 and 15.00-19.00; Tuesday-Friday 08.00-14.30.

Honorary Consulate of Russia in the Malaysian state of Penang

Honorary consul-Mr. Theo Seng Lee Address: Suite 3, 15th Floor, Wing A Northam Tower, No.57, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, 10050 Penang Malaysia
Phone number: (+604) 226 0127
Fax: (+604) 226 9127
E-mail: ;

Malaysian Customs regulations

Malaysia's customs rules are simple and fairly democratic. Obviously illegal items are strictly prohibited for import and export, otherwise there are almost no restrictions.

Since June 1, 2011, foreigners are required to leave fingerprints when entering Malaysia. This procedure has become mandatory in order to combat crime and terrorism. The process of taking fingerprints from 2 index fingers takes no more than a minute. This procedure takes place directly at the passport control desk. After receiving your passport from you, the passport control officer will ask you to attach the index fingers of both hands to the scanner and in a few seconds the procedure is completed.

The import of drugs, weapons, pornography, goods from Israel, coins and banknotes of Israel, clothing printed on it with texts from the Koran, radios, gold over 100 grams, antiques, wild birds and animals, plants and seeds of Hevea is prohibited.

For the import and export of drugs, violators are unconditionally sentenced to death.

Are subject to import duties new (unused and not for personal consumption): carpets, clothes, jewelry, chocolates, handbags. When importing such goods, you must pay a certain amount for "temporary imports" (something like a deposit), which will be returned to you upon departure, while the goods must be presented for inspection along with a receipt for payment. Of course, this is not about clothes, jewelry and other things that are intended for personal consumption, but about those that can be sold by you in Malaysia.

Cameras, watches, pens, lighters are not subject to customs duties. You can import duty-free 1 liter of strong alcoholic beverages; 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or tobacco 225 grams; perfumes and cosmetics worth no more than 200 ringgit.

Import of foreign and local currency of Malaysia is not limited.

Export of national currency - up to 5 thousand ringgit, foreign currency-up to 5 thousand ringgit in equivalent.

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💥 Спасибо, полезная ссылка 😊!
Ничего по прилёту заполнять не надо, обратные билеты и бронь отеля не спрашивали...просто поставили штамп..и, добро пожаловать в Малайзию! Летаем постоянно, прекрасная страна,прекрасные люди!
Сегодня (2 мая 2024) прилетела Куала-Лумпур. Читала, что не надо ничего заполнять по прилету и спокойно отстояла очередь на паспортный контроль … оказывается, надо было заполнить заранее онлайн документ с указанием обратного билета, адреса проживания в куале и тд. Мне разрешили заполнить на месте, но это было не легкое и долгое испытание😂 Потом было такси, которое взяла в аэропорту…невероятно дорого обошлось, да ещё и водитель чаевые просил🙈 В инете читала что можно за 85 доехать спокойно в любой конец Куала. По итогу пришлось заплатить 280до центра и то, он даже не туда приехал изначально, показывала ему дорогу сама по Гугл картам😂 В отеле попросили сверху моего уплаченного номера ещё оплатить за каждый день туристическую таксу, о чем я конечно же не знала, так как на форумах про нее ничего не было сказано😵‍💫 вышло ещё плюс 270 🤣 Ещё и доллары 2006 года не принимают, промолчу про ещё более раннего выпуска. Не знаю как теперь это всё развидеть…просто хочется верить, что отдых в итоге будет хорошим. Надеюсь, вам мой отзыв поможет🙏🏻 Всем счастья и удачи ❤️
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