Hotels and areas of Malacca where to stay
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Hotels In Malacca. Where to stay

Most hotels in Malacca are quite densely concentrated in the geographical center of the city, which is also the historical center. A small number of hotels are located on the outskirts of the city and even beyond. If you want to stay in these parts longer, you can choose a hotel outside the city, in a calmer and quieter place. True, you will have to go to the city center every time for entertainment and excursions.
If you want to stay in Malacca for a short time, it is better to use hotels in the center, near most attractions. After all, you only need a hotel to spend the night, and the rest of the time you will explore the city. Basically, by choosing any hotel anywhere in the city center, you will have access to attractions and entertainment on foot. In the city center, there are also two separate areas where you can pick up hotels and find yourself in the thick of things.
You can find and book a hotel in Malacca through the search form. The search is carried out in the popular search engine in Southeast Asia, Russian language and Russian language support are present. Also, many hotel options in Malacca are presented in one of the world's most popular search and booking engines

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Hotels in Malacca on the map
Jonker Street and the historic center of the city. This area is located in the heart of Malacca in the historical center of the city, and this is the best place to get acquainted sightseeing in Malacca (and that's what they come here for). Yonker street itself is known as a paradise for antique collectors thanks to its many antique shops. It is especially interesting to settle or visit this area on Friday or Saturday, when the night market begins to work. But it is not necessary to settle on Yonker Street, besides, there are very few hotels on the street and they are usually occupied. It is enough just to settle in the historical center or nearby, you can even on the other side of the river, since the sights are nearby and accessible on foot. Yonker Street and historic district on map.
District Melaka Raya (Melaka Raya). A network of intertwining streets called Melaka Raya with various numerical indices forms this district, which is located near the waterfront. There are several expensive high-rise hotels, there is also inexpensive accommodation. There are many shops and shopping centers, including two of the largest in the city: Mahkota Parade and Dataran Pahlawan Melaka Megamall. In general, you can call this area the business district of the city. Melaka Raya district on the map.
Accommodation in this area is good because here you can find bars, restaurants and nightclubs of Malacca, besides only here you can find luxury high-rise hotels, because in the historical center the construction of tall buildings is prohibited. To the center and the concentration of attractions from here you will have to take a taxi or walk a decent distance (20-30 minutes on foot). Well, it is impossible not to mention the disadvantages of this area: the place is somewhat uncomfortable, especially for evening walks. Along most hotels there are wide roads along which cars pass, and if you like to end the evenings with long walks and trips to restaurants, there will be nothing to do here.
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