Famosa Fortress (Famosa, Porta De Santiago)

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Famosa fortress in 3D / View photos in 3D

Famosa fortress in Malacca is known by two names – Famosa and Porta De Santiago. This place is considered one of the important attractions in Malacca, although frankly, many will be disappointed by what they see. Today, from this Portuguese fortress there are only ruins of the gate, and then restored, and a few ancient cannons. However, there are always a lot of tourists near these ruins, so even taking pictures of them without tourists is very difficult. This is not surprising, since these ruins are among the most recognizable Malacca, a kind of calling card.

The fortress was built since 1511, when the Portuguese first arrived in Malacca. During its existence, it was repeatedly upset and reconstructed. On the gate you will see the inscription "ANNO 1670", which suggests that the gate was added to the fortress later. Moreover, the gates were already built by the Dutch, since the Fort passed into their hands in 1641. In the 19th century, the Fort passed into the hands of the British, and they gave the order to completely dismantle it, which happened in 1806. By a happy coincidence, only the gate survived, but even now archaeological excavations are being carried out in places in the city and parts of the fort are being opened from the ground.

🕐 Working hours: around the clock.

💵 Entrance fee / tickets price: free.

🚶 How to get there: the fort is located in the center of the city in the historic district, you can get there on foot (Fort on the map).

Famosa fortress in 3D / View photos in 3D
Famosa fortress in 3D / View photos in 3D

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