Currency and money in Vietnam


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Exchange rate

The exchange rate of Vietnam is quite stable, and the last five years sharply and significantly almost does not change. To quickly calculate the money of Vietnam in rubles, you need to multiply thousands of VND by about 3 (more precisely, by 3.2). for example, transfer 100,000 VND to rubles: 100 thousand VND * 3.2 = 320 rubles.

But today's exchange rate to the ruble, euro and dollar. If the current date is not displayed correctly, refresh the page with ctrl+F5.

Биржевой курс обмена (вьетнамский донг) на сегодня ()

  • 100 000 донг (VND) = 382,93 рублей (RUB)
  • 1 доллар США (USD) = 25 310,10 VND
  • 100 рублей (RUB) = 26 114,50 VND
  • 1 евро (EUR) = 26 140,30 VND

Реальный курс обмена валюты *

  • 1 доллар США (USD) ≈ 24 803,90 - 25 259,48 VND
  • 1 евро (EUR) ≈ 25 617,49 - 26 088,02 VND

* - Расчет реального курса обмена произведен с учетом комиссий, которые удерживаются обменными пунктами и банками за обмен. Он может быть и выше расчетного, но если вам предлагают курс обмена ниже этого, это повод задуматься о поиске другого места для обмена.

Калькулятор валюты*
График изменения курса валюты
* Калькулятор пересчитывает суммы исходя из официальных мировых курсов валют. При обмене валюты в обменных пунктах курс будет незначительно отличаться в зависимости от комиссии обменного пункта
Включить виджет валюты*

* - При включенном виджете, курс обмена выбранной валюты будет отображаться в правом сайдбаре на каждой странице сайта, пока вы его не отключите сами.

Чтобы выгодно и безопасно рассчитываться во время путешествий и отдыха, рекомендуем оформить одну из карт банка Т-Банка (Тинькофф), созданных специально для любителей путешествий. С картой Т-Банка можно выгодно конвертировать валюты онлайн, получать мили и кэшбек за покупки. Оформление и доставка карты совершенно бесплатно. Узнать больше и оформить карту Т-Банка для путешественников онлайн можно здесь:

  • Дебетовая All Airlines - оформите карту по ссылке и введите промокод LETIM2025, получите бесплатное обслуживание на год + бесплатная страховка по всему миру для активного вида отдыха.
  • 💳 Дебетовая Black - повышенный кэшбэк 10% вместо 5% на ряд категорий (одежда и обувь, топливо, аптеки, фастфуд, рестораны, Ozon), 3 месяца подписки Pro в подарок
Дополнительная информация

Информация и промокоды предоставлены партнером (Реклама. ООО "Тинькофф Партнеры". ИНН 7743369908) и имеют ограниченный срок действия.

What's the money in Vietnam

National currency Vietnam - Dong. It is one of the smallest currencies in the world. Dong is denoted as VND, D, or the official symbol is .

Cash in Vietnam is issued in bills and coins. Coins are almost not used, and if you get your hands on a coin, consider yourself lucky. In circulation are banknotes in denominations of 500000, 200000, 100000, 50000, 20000, 10000, 5000, 2000, 1000, 500 dongs. Banknotes of large denomination (from 10 000) are made not of paper, but of thin plastic, which significantly prolongs their circulation period.: they are not afraid of water and do not tear.

On the obverse side of the banknotes is a portrait of Uncle Ho Chi Minh, on the reverse side the drawings are different: Temple of literature in Hanoi, Japanese bridge in Hoi An, Bay Halong, Ho Chi Minh's birthplace, offshore oil platform, ancient capital Hue city.

There are also coins in circulation in 5000, 2000, 1000, 500 and 200 VND, but it is almost impossible to meet them in real circulation. If you come across such a coin, be sure to save it as a numismatic rarity.

Money of Vietnam-dong

Aboutofficially, all payments in Vietnam are made only in the national currency. But in practice, sometimes prices for tourists for hotel accommodation, excursions and travel in tourist transport are immediately announced in dollars, although when calculating they are recalculated and accepted in Dong. Only rarely where you can pay immediately with dollars, and the euro is generally accepted without much desire. Sometimes, mainly in the markets, you can pay mixed: in dollars and dongs, or pay in dollars and ask for change in dongs (this is sometimes convenient and profitable).

What currency to take to Vietnam

It is not yet possible to buy cash Vietnamese Dong in Russia, as well as to exchange Russian rubles in Vietnam. If you can find a place where you can exchange one Russian currency in Dongi, the rate will be very unprofitable. Therefore, you need to take one of the world currencies with you: US dollars or euros.

The preferred currency for importation and Exchange in Vietnam is the US dollar. The exchange rate for the euro may be slightly less profitable, although there will be no problems with its exchange, it is changed everywhere.

There are no restrictions on import and export, the only thing that needs to be done is to declare at entry or exit any foreign currency in the equivalent of more than 5 thousand US dollars, as well as the national currency in the amount of more than 15,000,000 VND. By itself, the declaration of any consequences and additional costs does not bear, it is a simple formality. If you have less than the specified amount, then you do not need to declare anything.

However, there is one way to buy Dongi in Russia, but only cashless. Bank "Tinkoff" offers a card "multi-currency", which can be credited at a fairly decent rate one of the 30 currencies, including Dong. Then you can pay with this card in Vietnam, or withdraw money from local ATMs without losses on triple conversion (see below). Perhaps there are other cards of a similar plan in other banks.

Where to change currency in Vietnam

You can change currency in Vietnam anywhere: in exchange offices, banks, hotels, jewelry stores, travel agencies, airports. The difference in the exchange rate in different places and even different cities is insignificant. Vietnam's airports, unlike airports in other countries, have a very good exchange rate. Therefore, you can safely change 50 dollars upon arrival at the airport, and then find a more profitable course. For example, for one day in 2018, the rate at Hanoi airport was 23300 VND per dollar, at exchange offices in Hanoi 23200-23400, and the official rate was 23305.

Currency exchange at the airport

The most profitable course can traditionally be found in jewelry workshops and jewelry stores, which do not even have a sign "Money Exchange". For example, in our experience, in one day at the official rate of 23,100 VND for one dollar (approximately the rate you will find in exchange offices even in tourist areas), it turned out to exchange money in a jewelry store for 23,400. The difference when exchanging $ 100 in this case will be 30,000 VND.

To find the best rate, you should go directly to the jewelry store, do not change the currency (if you can not tell, just show the dollar bill and say "Exchange"). You will be shown the exchange rate, and it remains only to make a decision about the exchange and very carefully recalculate the money received. It is better to go around a few places or bargain and offer your course.

Keep in mind that money exchange scams happen in Vietnam, and the simplest of them is the substitution of large bills for small ones, since to the untrained eye, 100,000 bills look like 10,000, and 500,000 like 20,000. Remember to exercise due care before, during, and after exchanging money, and read our section security in Vietnam.

Bank cards

The use of plastic cards in Vietnam is quite common. You can pay it in almost all shopping centers, restaurants, hotels, travel agencies. ATMs in large cities and tourist areas are found almost at every turn.

Plastic cards in Vietnam

However, if you go into details, then using a plastic card, and especially withdrawing cash, is not the best alternative to imported cash dollars or euros. ATMs, in addition to the commission of your bank, will retain their commission, on average about 50,000 VND per operation, while the maximum amount of cash withdrawals can be limited (for example, 2,000,000 VND, which is about $ 100), the exchange rate will be recalculated according to the official one, plus there will be a double conversion from the ruble card, and all this together Therefore, try to look for an ATM that issues larger amounts at a time and takes a smaller commission. Fortunately, there are a lot of ATMs of different banks and with different conditions here.

As for payments with a plastic card, there are also certain pitfalls. First, Vietnam is considered by banks to be a high-risk country when using cards. Secondly, you can easily withhold a commission of several percent in addition to the amount paid, without even warning you about it. This happens when paying with a card in hotels, travel agencies and small private stores, where the owner of the institution has the right to do whatever he wants. In large shopping centers and supermarkets, such problems were not observed. Well, and thirdly, the recalculation from currency to Dong is carried out again at the official exchange rate. See learn more about ATMs and plastic card usage in Vietnam here...

Traveller's cheques are easily exchanged for cash in banks, but a commission is withheld for each transaction (about 3.3% of the amount and a minimum of $ 2.2).

VAT refund in Vietnam (Vat Refund)

Since July 1, 2012, Vietnam has launched a system of VAT (value added tax) refund for foreigners for goods purchased in the country. A similar tax refund system operates in Thailand (see about tax refund in Thailand), Singapore and other popular tourist countries, and is designed to stimulate the demand of tourists to purchase goods in the country. The essence of the system is that when you leave the country, you can return part of the cost of goods purchased domestically in the amount of Value-Added Tax included in the price of the goods.

For Vietnam, this amount is 10% of the value of the goods. An administrative fee of no more than 15% is still deducted from the amount due for refund. VAT refund in Vietnam applies to every purchase purchased by check worth from 2 000 000 Vietnamese VND (approximately 100 US dollars). Another condition is that a tax refund is possible only within 30 days after the purchase of the goods.

Refunds can be made when you leave the country (only when you leave the country, domestic flights are not covered) at international airports in Vietnam (see for more information about tax refunds in Vietnam).

Hanoi airport tax refund desk


There is no official tipping system in Vietnam and they are not traditionally accepted here, because quite recently communism was built here. All tourism workers, up to porters, receive a salary (albeit very small) and do not expect or expect tips, although they will be very happy with a small monetary gratitude from tourists.

Whether or not to tip depends entirely on your desire. If you liked the service, you can leave a small amount. In a taxi on the counter, you can refuse change, rounding up to thousands of VND (in a taxi at a fixed price, a tip is out of the question). The same with delivery in a restaurant or cafe. In the room for cleaning, the Porter can be given 10-15 thousand VND.

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По дороге с аэропорта Хошамина в автовокзал что бы поехать в Начанг где поменять валюту, как таксисту объяснить или возле автовокзала есть ювилирные магазины.
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В Хошимине несколько мест отправки автобусов и автовокзалов, поэтому сложно ответить. Лучше всего езжайте в тот обменник, который указан у нас на карте или хотя бы район в центр. Если будете заказывать такси через grab или maxim, то сразу сможете указать эту точечку на карте. Если будете договариваться с таксистами напрямую, да просто покажите и на карте куда вам нужно.
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