Oslob Resort and whale shark swimming in the Philippines

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Oslob is a small town known throughout the world as one of the places (and perhaps the only one) where you can watch and even swim with whale sharks in their natural environment, and you can see them with 100 percent probability. There are other places in the Philippines where shark tours are offered, but there is no guarantee that you will see them, and the money in case of failure is not returned.

To be more precise, the Sharks do not live off the coast of the city of Oslob, but in the waters near the village of Tan Awan (Tan Awan), just Oslob is the nearest settlement, so it was customary to call this place swimming with sharks in Oslob.

This is a relatively new attraction that appeared in 2011. Local fishermen noticed that this type of shark often began to appear in these waters, and began to bait them. As a result, the Sharks became almost tame, and most likely lost the ability to independently obtain food, but here a whole center was created to care and feed them.

Whale sharks are huge, can reach 20 meters in length, but here they are very tiny-only 12 meters!!! They are completely safe for humans, feed on plankton, and they do not even have teeth. Emotions from being near them are very strong: at the same time you will experience both fear and delight.

There are three options for Shark Tours:

We recommend choosing the option with swimming in a mask and with a tube, since you will not see much from the boat. The diving option is also controversial, since you will spend a lot of time preparing with equipment, you will not be very agile on the bottom, while sharks swim near the surface. Also here you can rent an underwater camera, or for 550 pesos to buy the service of an underwater photo shoot with sharks, it can be bought one for several people. Mask and snorkel are included in the price (you can use your own, but you still have to pay both for swimming in a mask and with a tube 1000), and you can rent fins separately for 100 pesos, but there are so many people here that they will rather interfere. The tour lasts 30 minutes.

On the shore you need to change into swimsuits, leave valuables in the locker, and take only waterproof gadgets with you or in a case/Aquabox. It makes sense to take some money with you in a moisture-proof case to pay for possible additional services to guides or purchases already on the shore. You will be put in rowing boats and taken a little away from the shore to the habitat, where, depending on the chosen tour option, you can simply look at them from the boat, swim with a mask or scuba among them.

Whale sharks, Oslob

There is also a critical point of view, which cannot be overlooked. First of all, you need to understand that they live here in a conditionally natural environment, because, as it is believed, they have become completely domestic and have lost the ability to independently obtain food. It is also bad that there are a lot of tourists here, which interferes with observation. Especially a lot of tourists from China and Korea, who, unfortunately, do not know how to swim at all, and therefore just flounder in the water and squeal, not letting others quietly watch. Therefore, if possible, try to get into groups with European tourists.

🕐 Working hours: from 06:00 to 12:00.

💵 Entrance fee / tickets price: when buying a shark tour on site in Oslob, the cost is 500 pesos per observation from the boat (8.62 USD), 1000 for swimming in a mask and with a tube (17.23 USD), 1500 for diving (25.85 USD). Tour from Moalboal from 2500 pesos, from Cebu City and Mactan - from 3500 pesos.

🚶 How to get there: the place of swimming with sharks is located in the village of Tan Awan (Tan Awan) in Oslob in the south of the island, 130 kilometers from Cebu (Oslob and swimming with sharks on the map). Most often Oslob is visited during the day without stopping for the night, because there is nothing to do there, but you can book a hotel there and spend the night to swim with sharks early in the morning before the arrival of large groups of tourists.

The easiest way to get here is with sightseeing tours, which are offered in Moalboal, in . Cebu, Mactan Island, from Dumaguete, Panglao Islands and Bohol. You can buy them on the spot in hotels and travel agencies, or you can pick up and book one of the tours online on these proven sites, or from the options offered:

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Panglao-Oslob Boat

But you can get to Oslob yourself on rented transport or buses, and already on the spot at The Briefing Centre or local travel agencies with a small mark-up (100 pesos) to buy a tour. The latter option is the most convenient and profitable, because if you buy a ticket directly in the center, you will have to wait a long queue, which can take several hours, and sometimes you can not wait for your turn at all. If you buy a tour on the Internet or on the spot in a travel agency, then the time and guide will already be determined for you, you will not have to wait.

Whatever method you choose, it is advisable to go as early as possible in order to have time to stand in line (yes, there are a lot of people here who want to) and get to the Sharks before 12 hours, later it is impossible.

Attention! In practice, to have a real chance to swim with sharks without booking in advance through travel agencies, you need to come here no later than 8:00 hours, and preferably even earlier.

  • Cebu and Mactan Island to Oslob

    From Cebu South Bus Station (bus station on the map) approximately every 30 minutes buses leave for Bato (Bato) from 4 am to about 20 hours, 3-4 hours on the way, cost from 110 pesos. On this route there are large air-conditioned buses and minibuses, but keep in mind that you need a bus through Oslob, since there are flights to Bato and not through Oslob. You need to go not to Oslob, but to the village of Tan-Avan (it is a little further), for which it is better to inform the driver that you need sharks, he will tell you where to get out. The stop is right next to the sign to The Briefing Centre, walking a few minutes. You can go back the same way.

    See more about the bus station and how to get to Cebu here...

  • Moalboal to Oslob

    From Moalboal you can get by bus in three hours, but you have to change at Bato. Therefore, it is better to leave at four o'clock in the morning. First you need to get from the beaches of Moalboal on a tricycle for 50 pesos to the main street, where buses pass. There you need to take any bus south towards Bato (Bato), run every 20 minutes, 60-90 minutes, 102 pesos. You need to go to the final bus station in Bato. In Bato, you need to take a bus to Cebu City going through Oslob, or a tricycle. Drive approximately 30 minutes, the trip will cost about 30 pesos.

    See more about Moalboal and how to get there here...

  • From Panglao and Bohol to Oslob

    From Panglao Island there are boats for 1500 pesos both ways and 900 one way, a journey of 90 minutes. They leave early in the morning from Momo Beach, but the price also includes a transfer from Alona Beach from Rona's Corner, which is opposite McDonald's. Departure twice a day at 05:30 and 11:30. To catch the Sharks on the same day, you need, of course, to get on the first flight. Tickets can be purchased at travel agencies on the spot, by phone or on the website https://apekoptravel.com/Tickets. It is also better to check the schedule on the site in advance, as it may change. Upon arrival in Oslob at the marina (oslobpier pier on the map) you will still need to get to the village to The Briefing Centre on a tricycle for 100 pesos, or take a passing bus along the main road.

    There are cheaper ways to get to Oslob from Panglao and Bohol, but they are worth crawling only if you are ready to spend the night in Oslob, or travel one way. From the main pier in Tagbilaran (see how to get to Tagbilaran and about the pier) you need to take a ferry to Argao / Poblacion (cost 230 pesos, departs from Tagbilaran at 08:00 and 16:00, and back at 03:00 AM and 12:00, 3 hours on the way, check the schedule here - https://liteshipping.barkota.com or here - https://liteferries.com.ph/schedule.php). In Argao you need to take a passing bus from Cebu on the main road, go often.

    Another option is to take the ferry from Tagbilaran to Dumaguete - > from Port Dumaguete to Port Sibulan by taxi or jeep -> from Sibulan to Liloan by ferry -> in Liloan directly at the pier take the bus to Cebu via Oslob. This route can be done in one day, but at a cost it will come out about the same as the direct one to Oslob, so it makes sense to use it only if you want to stay for a day or two in Dumaguete.

    See more, how to get to Bohol here...

  • Dumaguete to Oslob

    From Dumaguete you need to get on a tricycle (100 pesos) or jeepney (7 pesos) to Sibulan Port Terminal. From here, during the day, ferries leave every hour to the Liloan pier and to the pier in Bato on Cebu island, a journey of 20 minutes, the cost of 50 pesos. From Liloan, you need to walk to the main road to the stop, and wait for the bus to Cebu via Oslob. If you take the ferry to Bato (Bato, San Sebastian), then from there you need to walk to the Bato bus station, and also take this bus to the village. Buses run about every 30 minutes, go to the village for 20 minutes.

    See more, how to get to Dumaguete and about the marina here...

Video of swimming with sharks in Oslob

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