Philippines visa

This article has been translated from Russian language using an artificial intelligence-based translation algorithm. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the quality of the translation. You can read the original of this article in Russian here, and ask questions on the topic of our travel forum in English here.

General information

Citizens of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, EU countries do not need a visa to travel to the Philippines for up to 30 days. For a longer stay, you can apply for a visa in advance, extend the visa-free stay already on the spot or at the airport for up to 59 days.

Citizens of Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova must apply for a visa in advance at the consular departments in their country or in the Southeast Asian countries. The visa fee is about $ 50 depending on the method and place of receipt.

Stamp of the Philippines in the passport

Upon entry, you must fill out a standard migration card and customs form (see about Philippine customs regulations). The customs form is filled out by everyone, regardless of the need for declaration. Usually the card and form are issued on board the aircraft, and if not, you can take them at the counters in front of passport control. After filling out, you can follow immediately to passport control, no fees for stamps and data processing are required. At international airports in the Philippines at passport control, as a rule, huge queues, and you can stand for almost an hour. Therefore, it makes sense to first take the forms, take a queue and fill them out already in the queue.

When passing the entry passport control, you must provide a passport, a boarding pass, a completed migration form. Here, the scanner reads the fingerprints of the index fingers. After passing through passport control, you can collect your luggage at the tape, and proceed through the green or red customs corridor.

The form for filling is issued on the plane

Visa-free entry and passport validity requirements

Citizens of Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan can enter the Philippines without a visa through any border post at the airport or international seaport. Upon arrival, the passport is simply stamped for 30 days, nothing is required to pay and fill in. On some sites on the internet, there is information about a 21-day stay, but this is outdated information.

For visa-free entry, the following requirements apply:

  • The validity of the passport is not less than 6 months after the date of departure*;
  • Availability of return tickets or tickets to a third country.

* - on the Internet you can find a lot of disagreements about the validity of the passport. In other sources it is indicated that the 6-month validity period is counted from the date of arrival, in others on return tickets (i.e. departure date). And somewhere you can find information about the 60-day period of stay. Most likely, these contradictions are due to the fact that these rules have changed several times over the past few years, are indicated differently in different official sources, and are also interpreted by airlines independently and in their own way. For example, in Timatik it is indicated about 6 months after the date of entry, and on the official website of the consulate about 6 months after the planned period of stay, i.e. actually after the date of departure.

At the moment (2020), according to reviews on the forums, in practice there are no problems when entering on a passport valid for at least 6 months after the date of entry, and not at the time of departure. The same rule is followed by airlines, and it is indicated in the code of rules for TIMATIK Airlines. But it is better not to take risks in this matter, and plan in advance to change your passport and buy tickets to the Philippines on the assumption that its validity period ends no earlier than 6 months from the date of return tickets.

At the same time, there is another rule that if there are less than 60 days left on the date of departure on return tickets, you will be allowed to enter at the discretion of the Border Guard officer.

Extension of stay

If you need to stay more than 30 visa-free days, you can make an extension for another 29 days, i.e. in the end you get 59 days. You can do this already while in the country. Renewal is paid, from 3030 pesos (56.87 USD, see Philippine currency and exchange rate). You can extend it at any migration office that is in large cities and resorts, as well as at airports. You must apply for an extension no later than 7 days before the end of the valid visa, or no later than 14 days before the end of the visa-free stamp, otherwise you will have to pay an additional fine.

You can extend your stay continuously according to various information up to 1 year or up to 2 years. However, for the second and further extension you will have to Pay 4800 (82.72 USD). If you will extend your stay for more than 59 days, you will also need to issue an ID-card for 500 pesos (8.62 USD).

You can also extend your stay immediately for six months, this is called LSVVE (LONG-STAY VISITOR VISA EXTENSION). But such an extension will cost from 10500 pesos (181 USD) this can only be done at the main office in Manila at Magallanes Dr, Intramuros, Manila, 1002 Metro Manila.

You should also know that if you stay in the country for more than 1 year, you must pay a special exit tax at the airport, as well as local residents. It is 1,620 pesos when departing in economy class, and 2,700 for first class passengers.

For more information about the extension, the necessary documents and addresses of immigration offices, forms of documents for submitting applications, it is exhaustively written on the website of the Immigration Bureau -

An important requirement when entering children

To enter children under the age of 15 years unaccompanied by parents (with grandparents, guardians, etc.), you need a special permit Waiver of Exclusion Ground (WEG). For information on how to get this permission, see here.

Addresses and websites of embassies

Embassy of the Philippines in Moscow

  • Address: Karmanitsky lane, 6/8, 121099. Smolenskaya Metro Station;
  • Phone numbers: +7499241-0563; +7499 241-0564; +7499 241-0565;
  • Site:

Consular department in St. Petersburg

  • Address: Vasilievsky Island, 103, 199106;
  • Phone: +753812 3261355; +753812 3212845.

Consular department in Vladivostok

  • Address: Admiral Fokina Street, 20, 5th floor, 690091;
  • Phone: +74232 221351.

Russian Embassy in the Philippines

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