Prices in the Philippines

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General information about prices in the Philippines

Sometimes you can find the opinion that the Philippines is a very cheap country compared to Russia and other CIS countries, and even cheaper than other Southeast Asian countries, such as Thailand. However, everything is not so clear.

First of all, you need to know that prices in the Philippines are very relative, vary greatly from place to place. For example, in a 7/11 supermarket, 1 liter of milk costs over 110 pesos, and in a large local supermarket nearby you can buy it for 76. The same applies to prices in cafes, for example: the price of a stick with chicken kebab (BBQ) in a cafe for locals on the outskirts of the resort will cost 10 pesos, and in a cafe with not much better conditions and sanitary conditions, but focused on tourists in the center of the resort, you will have to pay 35 pesos. And, of course, you should always be prepared for inflated prices for tourists in places where they are not clearly indicated on the price tags, and be ready to bargain. By the way, you can bargain everywhere, sometimes even in stores with price tags, in cafes, when buying excursions, but not in supermarkets and boutiques. Be sure to bargain with tricycle and taxi drivers (when traveling without a meter), the price in some cases can be reduced up to 6 times (in our experience).

And now go through each category:

Prices for tours to the Philippines

Ready-made tours to the Philippines are very expensive. Unlike popular tourist destinations such as Thailand, Vietnam, Turkey, India, Sri Lanka, where tours can be bought cheaper than even the cost of air tickets, for a ready-made tour to the Philippines you will have to pay much more than a self-booked set of tickets and a hotel. Prices for a tour to the Philippines from Moscow for two start from 150 T.P., and sometimes the price of the tour from tour operators does not show the price of the fuel fee, which can significantly increase the final cost of the tour. Usually the final price with fuel charge is displayed after the transition of their search already on a specific tour to a specific hotel.

Boracay sunset

You can check the prices for tours to the Philippines on one of these verified sites that compare prices from different tour operators, and allow you to purchase them at no extra charge at the price of the tour operator:

Price of air tickets to the Philippines

There are no direct scheduled flights from Russia and other CIS countries to the Philippines, you can fly ready-made flights with transfers in Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Seoul, Hanoi, Istanbul and other cities and countries. It is most profitable to buy a ready-made ticket from airlines to one of the major international airports in Cebu, Manila or Clark, and then to the desired resort to buy a separate ticket by local airlines.

The minimum price of a round-trip flight from Moscow is $ 500 and above (500 USD). But for flights in the low season from June to December on sales tickets can be bought from $ 400 (400 USD).

If you are not tied to certain dates, you can buy tickets to the Philippines at very good prices, you just need to look and wait. Read more, how to get to the Philippines and how to buy a cheap ticket...

Landing on Panglao Island

Current minimum prices for flights from Russian cities to the Philippines:

Minimum prices for flights from Moscow to Cebu:

Prices for hotels and accommodation

In the Philippines, There is a clear lack of budget accommodation for backpackers and single tourists, there are very few hostels. At the same time, prices for accommodation in hostels are high, and the quality is very low in comparison with Thailand, Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries. For a bed in the common room, you should count from 300 pesos (5.19 USD), while you will not have air conditioning and in general any amenities, except for a bed. For such a price, plumbing may not work, bed unwashed from previous guests, dirty floor, bad WiFi, etc., for the Philippines this is normal. for 500 pesos (8.66 USD) you can count on a bed in a room with air conditioning and slightly better conditions, but this is not a guarantee, read the reviews.

More comfortable accommodation in hotels, and accommodation for two at a price about the same as in other Southeast Asian countries, you will almost not feel the difference, but still the level of comfort and cleanliness at an equal price in the Philippines is slightly lower. The minimum price for accommodation in a double room without amenities (shared shower and toilet, no air conditioning) starts from 500 pesos (8.66 USD), air-conditioned room from 700 pesos (12.12 USD).

Of course, these prices for hotels are highly dependent on the resort and season, but in general you can count on such a minimum when planning a budget trip.

Boracay Beach Hotel

You can book accommodation in the Philippines through one of these sites:

The price of food and goods, food

In general, if you compare the prices of products and goods with similar ones in our home, then, in general, you will not feel cheapness: some goods and products are a little cheaper here, and some, on the contrary, are much more expensive. Of course, if you compare with Moscow prices or prices in the Far East, then perhaps you will feel the difference. But if you compare prices in the Philippines with similar ones in supermarkets in provincial cities of the European part of the Russian Federation, then you will not be very pleasantly surprised that, for example, milk and water are very expensive here.

At the same time, the price of food in cafes and restaurants is lower compared to Russian ones. It turns out that it is cheaper to eat in cafes for local or even in chain cafes than to buy food in stores and cook. True, the assortment of the cheapest dishes in the local catering is very monotonous: rice with chicken or meat in several forms, and nothing else. Fish dishes and vegetables are expensive here.

Fruit prices are very dependent on the season. In the low ripening season, and it is also the high tourist season (in winter), some tropical fruits are even more expensive than in winter Russia.

Read more about the cuisine in the Philippines, what dishes are worth trying, how and what to eat here...

Dinner at JolliBee

Here's for a benchmark the prices of selected foods and meals in the Philippines as of winter 2025 for a benchmark:

  • Lunch in a cafe for locals with a drink - from 100 pesos (1.73 USD).
  • Lunch at the chain restaurant JolliBee - from 120 pesos (2.08 USD).
  • Lunch in a restaurant for tourists - from 300 pesos (5.19 USD).
  • Drinking water-bottled 40 pesos (0.69 USD) for 1.5 L., in hostels and hotels from coolers 10 pesos for 1.5 L.or free of charge.
  • Carbonated drink RC Cola 1.5 L. - 72 pesos (1.25 USD).
  • Bread - from 40 pesos (0.69 USD).
  • Oranges 1 kg. - 140 (2.42 USD).
  • Apples 1 kg. - 170 (2.94 USD).
  • Lemons 1 kg. - 250 (4.33 USD).
  • Milk 1 L. - the cheapest in a large supermarket 100 pesos (1.73 USD), more often the price is 110 (1.9 USD).
  • Glutinous rice 1kg. - 60 pesos on the market (1.04 USD), 80 in the supermarket (1.39 USD).
  • Coffee 500 gr. ground-from 186 pesos (3.22 USD).
  • Potatoes 1 kg. - 35 pesos (0.61 USD).
  • Apple 1 PC – - 25 pesos (0.43 USD).
  • Mango 1 kg. - 120 pesos (2.08 USD).
  • Bananas 1 kg. - 60 pesos (1.04 USD).
  • Chicken egg 1 PC. - 7 pesos (0.12 USD).
  • Chicken egg 30 PCs. - 200 pesos (3.46 USD).

Alcohol and cigarette prices in the Philippines

Foreign alcohol costs about the same as in the Russian Federation, but local strong alcohol is incredibly cheap. Local beer in the Philippines is also relatively inexpensive, but the variety is not great, just a few varieties. The most popular local varieties-Red Horse and San Miguel Pilsner-are found in all supermarkets and cafes.

Philippine Red Horse beer
  • Cigarettes 1 pack - from 100 pesos (1.73 USD).
  • Local beer 0.5 liters in the store - from 60 pesos (1.04 USD).
  • Local beer 0.5 liters in the cafe - from 100 pesos (1.73 USD).
  • Local beer 1 liter in the store - from 120 pesos (2.08 USD).
  • Local beer 1 liter in a cafe - from 150 pesos (2.6 USD).
  • Draft beer in the cafe 0.5 L . - from 100 pesos (1.73 USD).
  • Local rum Tanduya Dakr for 0.25 L. - 60 pesos (1.04 USD).
  • Local gin Gilbeys for 0.5 L. - 180 pesos (3.12 USD).

Transportation prices in the Philippines

The main types of intercity transport are ferries and airplanes, buses can be used to move within one island. Both types of transport are inexpensive, but it is better to book flights in advance at least a few weeks before the flight, so it will be cheaper.


Learn more about all types of transport in the Philippines, How to get around and how to save on transport here...

Cebu jeepney

Urban transport is also inexpensive, but you need to be able to use it, as taxi drivers and tricycle drivers call tourists inflated prices. You need to bargain or insist on using the counter, where possible.

Here are the minimum prices for urban transportation in the Philippines as of 2023:

  • Rent a motorcycle/Motobike – from 350 pesos / day (6.06 USD).
  • Rent a motorcycle/Motobike Boracayfrom 2500 pesos / day (43.29 USD).
  • Travel by regular jeepney – from 8 pesos (0.14 USD).
  • Tricycle fare-usually cheaper than 50 pesos (0.87 they do not agree with tourists even for a short trip, and call the price 2-3 times higher than the one to which you can bargain, and 10 times higher than they take from local residents.
  • City bus (in Cebu and Manila) – 50 pesos (0.87 USD).

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