Seven Wells Waterfall and Langkawi Eco Trail

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Seven Wells Waterfall

Waterfall Telaga Tujuh or Seven Wells (seven wells) got its name because of seven small pools-wells that "dug" the waters of the stream into the rock. This stream flows down from the second highest mountain of the island, briefly lingers on the site with Wells, and then rushes down from a thirty-meter height. This is a very beautiful place that you should definitely see with your own eyes and capture on the camera. In addition, you must swim in the lakes-wells. The water in them is cool, and will be a real salvation from the heat, and even after a long climb up.

The waterfall is reached by a well-equipped staircase of 638 steps (20-40 minutes on foot), originating from the parking of vehicles. Approximately in the middle of the way, you can deviate and see the waterfall from below, and then continue upward to the site, where the cherished cool pools are located. The playground is equipped with gazebos, there is a toilet, you can change for swimming. Just keep a close eye on your belongings, as they can be stolen by the monkeys living here (see how to behave with monkeys, precautions).

But that's not all. From the platform, the Eco-Trail continues to the top of the Mat Cincang mountain with a height of just over 700 meters. This trekking does not require special training, but you need a good physical shape. To the top you will have to overcome a little more than 220 meters in height (since the wells themselves are at an altitude of 480 meters), and 980 meters on the way. In time, the Ascent will take two to three hours.

The place of the beginning of the route is indicated by a large poster on which the route is conditionally drawn. The trail here is not specially equipped, but it is quite well recognized. In several places it crosses the creek on bridges. When you reach the top, you will have a wonderful view of the archipelago, not inferior to the views from the observation deck of the cable car.

🕐 Working hours: the waterfall can be visited at any time of the day. It looks best in the rainy season (September-October), because in the dry season water falls from the cliff in a thin stream. To pass the trekking route opposite is best in the dry season from November to March.

💵 Entrance fee / tickets price: free.

🚶 How to get there: "seven wells" is located near Oriental Village, and all these places together are located near Pantai Kok Beach ("Seven wells" on the map). If you are staying at Pantai Kok Beach, you can reach the waterfall on foot if you wish. From other beaches you will have to get by taxi or by rented transport. At the base of the waterfall there are shops, cafes and a parking area. Motobike parking costs 1 ringgit, Cars-2. Further, to the waterfall and to the very top, you will have to climb on foot.

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