Legends Of Langkawi Park

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Langkawi Legend Park

Legends of Langkawi Park (Legenda Langkawi or Taman Lagenda) is a theme park in Kuah near the marina and "Eagle SquareIt is not only green and beautiful, but also interesting and informative, especially if you know English. Many statues in the park tell about the Legends of the island and its history, from ancient times to the present. For this purpose, the corresponding stories are written on the tablets in English, and some of the stories are made in the form of sculptures. According to the authors, this is a place for recreation, sports, romantic walks, and at the same time acquaintance with stories and myths. There is even a beach on which, however, few people swim. But, unfortunately, many sculptures gradually fall into disrepair, the park is poorly cleaned. So purposefully going here may not be worth it, only if you visit it during a walk around the island's capital city of Kuah and a visit to Eagle Square.

🕐 Working hours: from 08:00 to 23:00.

💵 Entrance fee / tickets price: free.

🚶 How to get there: the park is located in Kuah between Eagle Square and the main mosque (Park on the map).

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