Angkor Thom Temple Complex (Angkor Thom)
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History of Angkor Thom, general information
Angkor Tom means "big city" in Khmer. It deserves special attention and is the second most famous Angkor Temple Complex, after Angkor Wat, in all In many ways, thanks to Bayon, a mountain temple with carved faces.
Angkor Tom is part of the Angkor Temple complex, was built in Bayon style and is dedicated to Buddhism.
The city occupies a large area and consisted of more than a hundred temples and various buildings:
- Bayon (Bayon)
- Baphuon
- Pimeanakas (Phimeanakas)
- Royal Palace (Royal Palace)
- Terrace of the Elephants
- Terrace of the Leper King (Terrace of Leper King)
- Tep Pranam (Tep Pranam)
- Preah Palilay
- Preah Pithu
- Prasats Suor Prat
- North and South Kleang (North Kleang and South Kleang), etc. smaller ones
Angkor Thom was built in the late XII – early XIII centuries during the reign of Jayavarman VII (Jayavarman VII) from 1181 to 1220 and became the capital of the Khmer state until the XV century. Previously, the former capital, Yashodharapura, was located on this territory, however, after the attack of the Chams (Tyams) in 1177, the city was very badly destroyed. In this connection, it was decided to build a new capital, not far from the destroyed one. Therefore, not all temples on the territory of Angkor Thom were built by Jayavarman VII: Pimeanakas and Bapuon remained from the former rulers. Jayavarman VII himself was a very revered ruler, he brought into the lives of his subjects a new religion – Mahayana Buddhism, the symbol of worship of which was the Buddha.
The population of the capital was about a million people. The territory of the city was divided by axial roads into four equal parts, each of which had its own purpose. For example, in the north-western part there was a Royal Palace, in the north-eastern part there lived the king's family, his entourage, priests, the south–western part was given over to a beautiful park, and in the south-eastern part there were markets and various administrative buildings. There were commoners living outside the city wall. All residential buildings and some buildings were built of wood, so they have not survived to our time, the same fate befell the Royal Palace, only the stone base behind the Terrace of Elephants remains.
The symbolism of Angkor Thom is based on the legend of churning The ocean of milk displayed on one of the panels of Angkor Wat (in the southern wing of the eastern gallery). This legend tells about the process of creation of the world, in which gods and demons take part (their sculptures are located at the gates of Angkor Thom). They hold in their hands a serpent entwining the sacred mount Meru (Bayon, located in the center of the city, was identified with it), personifying the center of the world, and alternately pull on themselves, setting the mountain in motion, that is, churning the Ocean, from which the nectar of immortality (amrita) is subsequently released.
Structure (plan) of the territory
The city of Angkor Thom covers an area of 900 hectares and has the shape of a square divided into four equal parts by axial roads. The center of the intersection of roads is Bayon. The territory of the city was surrounded by a bulk wall with a total length of 12 km and a height of 8 m. A patrol road ran along the top of the wall. A ditch 100 m wide and 6 m deep was dug in front of the wall, filled with water.
The entrance to Angkor Thom is through the gates, there are 5 of them: one each from the north (North Gate), South (South Gate) and west (West Gate), and two from the east – East (East Gate) and Victory Gate. Victory Gate is oriented towards the Royal Palace. The height of the gate is 22-23 m, the width of the carriageway under them is 3.5 m, they are made in Bayon style and have four towers, on each of the towers are carved the faces of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (god supervising and compassionate), with whom Jayavarman VII was identified. In addition, the gate on both sides is decorated with a sculpture of a three-headed elephant with trunks in the form of columns.
In front of the gate, gods (devatas) lined up on the left and demons (asuras) on the right, holding in their hands a multi-headed serpent (naga), personifying the bridge between heaven and earth. There are 54 gods and demons equally on each side, the gods hold the serpent by the head, and the demons by the tail. Pulling on themselves, they thus set in motion the sacred mountain (Bayon).
The presence of the Victory Gate has a certain meaning, consisting in the fact that the king's army went to battle through these gates, thus foreshadowing the successful outcome of the duel. In case of victory, the warriors returned through them, in case of defeat – through others (possibly other eastern ones). Funeral processions passed through the eastern gate.
Tips for inspection
Among the most significant and best preserved ruins and buildings, it is worth highlighting:
- Bayon (Bayon)
- Baphuon
- Pimeanakas (Phimeanakas)
- Royal Palace (Royal Palace)
- Terrace of the Elephants
- Terrace of the Leper King (Terrace of Leper King)
- Prasats Suor Prat
- North and South Kleang (North Kleang and South Kleang)
It's worth looking at them first of all, the rest is at your discretion and depending on the available time.
Very often, group tours begin exploring Angkor Thom through the South Gate, which has been preserved better than the others and restored. Then, along the way, to Bayon, Bapuon, Elephant Terrace, Royal Palace, Pimeanakas, Terrace of the Leper King, Tep Pranam, Prea Palilai, Prea Pitu, Prasatam Suor Prat, North Kliang, South Kliang, then - exit to the east through the Victory Gate. Or in the opposite direction, if you enter through the Victory Gate and exit through the south gate. At the same time, it is worth noting that the gates are considered the most visited: the southern, northern and Victory Gates, sculptures of gods and demons have been preserved here, the western and eastern ones have been preserved worse, and therefore are less in demand.
Some guides suggest visiting Angkor Thom in several receptions. But, in our opinion, the best option would be to inspect it at a time, it is worth allocating half a day for inspection.
At the entrance to Bayon and Baphuon is inlet control, in other temples it does not exist.
Since the distances to Angkor Thom from the neighboring temple buildings are quite decent, therefore it is worthwhile to travel to it and along it either by bicycle or by motorbike.
The best time for photographing is considered to be early morning or sunset, because at this time the temples are better lit and the light is softer.