Angkor Tom - Prasaty Suor Prat
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General information, history
Prasats Suor Prat located on the territory of Angkor Thoma, opposite Elephant Terraces and The Leper King, across the street. The complex consists of 12 free-standing towers at an equal distance from each other, aligned on the same line, with the exception of two.
The name translates from Khmer as "towers dancing on a rope". As if acrobats walked on a tight rope during the events, but this is a dubious version and it has nothing to do with the true purpose of the towers. There are other, more plausible versions, for example: use as storerooms or administrative buildings, where legal issues, disputes or temporary detention of violators were resolved. But, nevertheless, there is no definite answer about the appointment of prasats.
The construction is dedicated to Buddhism, the style is postBayon.
The towers were built by Jayavarman VII (Jayavarman VII, ruled 1181-1220) at the end of the XII century. The territory was cleared at the beginning of the XX century, the restoration was carried out in the mid–50s of the XX century.
Of interest is both the "chain" of towers as a whole and each tower individually, as well as the images preserved on the pediments.
Orientation, tips for inspection
Prasaty Suor Prat borders with Royal Square in the east. They consist of two groups: six towers each, the groups are separated by a road coming from the Victory Gate, which was the main street of the city of Angkor Thom. The towers closest to the main road are located on both sides of the pool (80 m by 60 m).
The laterite and sandstone towers are quite well preserved, and are very visited by tourists.
The best photo can be taken at sunset, especially if you try to fit several towers into one frame.
About half an hour should be allocated for inspection.
Construction, architecture
Suor Prat Towers have a square shape and consist of three levels. The lower level has one central entrance, oriented to the east, and facing the Royal Palace, the other sides are located on the window. The exception is two towers standing next to the main city road: the entrance of one facing north, the other facing south. From the front, each central entrance is realized by a small terrace with two windows. In the lower level there is the room itself, the other levels are decorative in nature.
The third (uppermost) level has two large pediments located opposite to each other. On the pediments, images of barely distinguishable nagas and lions have been preserved in some places.