Angkor Thom - Royal (Palace) Square (Royal area)
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General information, history
The huge square adjacent to the territory of the Royal Palace in the north-eastern part Angkor Tom is called Royal Square . She played a great role in the life of the city. Various mass events were held here: military parades, festivals, holidays and other processions. The Royal Palace of Angkor Thom is shared with the Royal Square Elephant Terraces and The Leper King. It was from the Terrace of the Elephants that the king and his entourage watched the actions taking place, the king addressed his people with a speech, and from the Terrace of the Leper King the trial of the accused was carried out. Today, unfortunately, there is nothing left of the Royal square and there is a parking lot for tourist transport. We mention it only from a historical point of view.
Do not confuse the Royal Square with the territory of the Royal Palace. These are different territories, they are opposite each other and separated by a terrace of Elephants and the Leper King.
The square itself is not particularly remarkable – it's just a huge area, on the one hand, a driveway stretches along the Terraces, and on the other – an overgrown lawn.
Structure (plan) of the territory
The Royal Square is located in front of the Royal Palace, to the east of it, and includes a large area (720 m by 80 m). Clear boundaries of the area are not visually outlined. However, it was found that from the north it bordered with Bayon, from the west – with Bapuon, Terraces of Elephants and the Leper King, Tepe Pranam, from the east – with Prea Pitu, Prasat Suor Prat, Northern and Southern Kliang.
The road leading from the Victory Gate to the Palace divides the Royal Square in half, and was the main street of the city of Angkor Thom.
Tips for inspection
It is not necessary to allocate time to inspect the square as a separate attraction, because it can be combined with the inspection of other objects located here. But it is worth noting that the best time for a photo is in the morning – for monuments located on the west side of the road, which include: Preah Palilai, Tepe Pranam, Terrace of the Leper King, Terrace of Elephants, Royal Palace, Pimeanakas, Bapuon. In the evening, it is worth taking a look at the objects that are located on the east side of the road: Preah Pitu, Prasaty Suor Prat, North and South Kliangi.