Photos of Penang and Georgetown
This article has been translated from Russian language using an artificial intelligence-based translation algorithm. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the quality of the translation. You can read the original of this article in Russian here, and ask questions on the topic of our travel forum in English here.
Old Town Georgetown
Old Town Georgetown
Old Town Georgetown
Old Town Georgetown
Old Town Georgetown
Penang Protestant Cemetery
Penang Protestant Cemetery
Penang Protestant Cemetery
Street art
Street art
Street art
Street art
Street art
Street art
Street art
Thai Buddhist temple
Thai Buddhist temple
Thai Buddhist temple
Thai Buddhist temple
Thai Buddhist temple
Thai Buddhist temple
Penang Thai Buddhist temple / View photos in 3D
Penang Thai Buddhist temple / View photos in 3D
Burmese Buddhist temple
Burmese Buddhist temple
Burmese Buddhist temple
Burmese Buddhist temple
Burmese Buddhist temple
Burmese Buddhist temple
Burmese Buddhist temple
Burmese Buddhist temple
Kek Lok Si Temple / View photos in 3D
Kek Lok Si Temple / View photos in 3D
Kek Lok Si Temple / View photos in 3D
Kek Lok Si Temple
Kek Lok Si Temple
Kek Lok Si Temple
Kek Lok Si Temple
Kek Lok Si Temple
Kek Lok Si Temple
Kek Lok Si Temple
Kek Lok Si Temple
Kek Lok Si Temple
Hainan temple
Hainan temple
Hainan temple
Hainan temple
Hainan temple
Hainan temple
Temple of the goddess of mercy
Temple of the goddess of mercy
Temple of the goddess of mercy
Temple of the goddess of mercy
Temple of the goddess of mercy
Temple of the goddess of mercy
Temple of the goddess of mercy
Temple of the goddess of mercy
Temple of the goddess of mercy
Temple of the goddess of mercy
Temple of the goddess of mercy
Captain Keling Mosque
Captain Keling Mosque
Captain Keling Mosque
Aceh Mosque
Aceh Mosque
Bengal mosque