Penang Protestant Cemetery

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Penang Protestant Cemetery

Protestant Cemetery Penang, also known as Northam Road Cemetery, is a historic site where no one is buried today. But in the 18th century, Captain Francis Light (the founder of the British colony on Penang), as well as many of his associates and their families, were buried here. There are about 500 graves, most of which date from the 18th and 19th centuries. Of course, almost all the graves in the cemetery are Europeans, but the Malaysians carefully restore the tombstones and restore order here, carefully preserving the history of their island.

Tourists can freely explore the cemetery, walk along the paths and inspect the ancient tombstones.

🕐 Working hours: during daytime.

💵 Entrance fee / tickets price: free.

🚶 How to get there: the cemetery is located on Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah Street near the intersection with Jalan Penang Street (cemetery on the map). You can walk from Stop 7 of the free CAT city bus.

Penang Protestant Cemetery
Penang Protestant Cemetery

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