Penang Pinaon Time Tunnel Museum

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Pinaon Time Tunnel Museum

This museum is notable for the fact that its creators managed to combine the traditional historical museum with Entertainment in one place, which is why it stands out among other similar places in Penang. Its main exposition is devoted to the history of the city and the island, and among the exhibits there are many ancient objects, documents, photographs and even whole installations. And all this is complemented by an entertaining part, a traditional museum of 3D paintings, some of which are dedicated to the life and history of the city, and some are just funny pictures. So from here you can take away not only impressions, but also your photos in unusual places and environments.

🌐 Website:

🕐 Working hours: daily from 09:15 to 19:00 (ticket sales stop at 18:00)

💵 Entrance fee / tickets price: adults-29 ringgit, children-16 ringgit (from 5 to 12 years). You can get a discount on visiting vouchers on advertising booklets of the museum, which can be found at the reception of hotels.

🚶 How to get there: the museum is located near the Historic District of Georgetown at 39, Jalan Green Hall (Museum on the map). You can walk from Stop 17 of the free CAT city bus.

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