Hainan temple in Penang
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Hainan temple – in our opinion the most beautiful of all the temples in Penang. Dedicated to the goddess of the seas Mar Chor. It was originally founded in 1866, but in 1895 the temple was moved to a new place and erected anew. Since then, it has not been rebuilt, only underwent restoration. You can inspect the temple from the outside and completely free to enter inside, at the entrance you need to take off your shoes. At first glance, it may seem that this is an unremarkable place, squeezed among the buildings. But it is worth coming closer and taking a closer look, as you will discover magnificent stone carvings and rich interior decoration. The temple is definitely worth a visit while walking around Old Town Georgetown.
🕐 Working hours: the temple is open from 08:00 to 20:00.
💵 Entrance fee / tickets price: free.
🚶 How to get there: the temple is located in the Old Town of Georgetown on Jalan Muntri Street near the intersection with Jalan Penang (Hainan temple on the map). You can take the free CAT tourist bus to stop number 7.
Hainan temple in Penang / View photos in 3D
Hainan temple / View photos in 3D
Hainan temple / View photos in 3D
Hainan temple in Penang
Hainan temple in Penang
Hainan temple in Penang
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