Clan jetty stilt settlement on Penang

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Clan Jetty Settlement

Clan Jetties Settlement is a small old neighborhood on the waterfront of Georgetown, or rather, not even on the waterfront, but along it, and above the water. In this place for more than a century live several ancient Chinese clan of fishermen, sailors and traders, nicknamed Clan Jetties, which can be roughly translated as the clans of the pier. Houses and temples here are built on stilts above the water, and wooden streets are located above it. From house to house there are wooden bridges, these are the streets, and here the family members of the clan spend most of their lives. Of course, now everything is changing, and many of those living here work on the shore, but still the unusual atmosphere in this place has been preserved. Tourists can freely visit this settlement, walk along the wooden streets and get acquainted with everyday life, eat in a restaurant overlooking the water. The owners of the houses are happy to welcome tourists, offering their crafts as souvenirs, and some are even ready to invite them to their home to live, though for money. All in all, the area is a very atmospheric place worth visiting, especially for those looking for untrodden hiking trails.

🕐 Working hours: around the clock, better to visit during the day.

💵 Entrance fee / tickets price: free.

🚶 How to get there: Clan Jetties settlement area is located on the shore along Pengkalan Weld Street (settlements on the map). You can get here on almost all city buses, including the free MPPP CAT tourist bus, to the terminal station and Weld Quay.

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