Seasons and weather in Langkawi, when is the best time to go

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Langkawi Island in Malaysia is considered a year-round resort. Here you can really relax all year round, although there are high, medium and low seasons, which are formed by winds and rains, but not by the temperature, which is always high. So, here are the seasons and weather in Langkawi and when is the best time to go on vacation to the island:

Current Langkawi weather and forecast

High season

November to march is the high tourist season, with the highest peak in January-March. This is the perfect time for a beach holiday, as rain, clouds and wind will not interfere at all. Doges in this period almost never happens, the sea is very calm, without waves.

True, the high season has a downside. At this time, prices for hotels, rental of transport, excursions, rise strongly, sometimes it is even problematic to find a hotel, it is better to book in advance. A lot of Malay families come to the island, as most school holidays take place at this time (see the calendar of holidays and school holidays in Malaysia). And yet, this is the hottest time, the temperature mercilessly keeps around 34 degrees.


The average tourist season runs from April to August. This is the optimal time for those who want to save money and get a good rest.

At this time, it may rain, the sky is covered with clouds, but all this is short-lived. Bad weather, as a rule, happens in the afternoon, and passes very quickly. Literally in an hour or two there is no trace of the past downpour. What is good in this period, tourists are much less, prices are lower. Some hotels offer discounts of up to 50% of the price in high season!

There is, perhaps, only one negative moment in this season: at this time, the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan takes place (in 2017, from May 26 to June 25). This month, the infrastructure on the island works in a shortened working mode, everything closes early, some travel agencies and organizations stop working altogether.

Low season

From September to October, the island hosts the Doge season. At this time, the rains become more frequent. Often the sky is overcast. In fact, even at this time you can have a good rest, you just need to be prepared for the fact that it can rain for several hours every day, and part of the tourist infrastructure is closed for repair and renewal.

Seasons in Langkawi by month, when is the best time to go

Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov. Dec

* best time to visit;
acceptable time to visit;
not recommended time to visit

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