The Legend of Mahsuri and The Curse of Langkawi

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Descendants of Mahsuri, photo from the museum

On Langkawi Island there is a very beautiful and sad legend about the beautiful girl Mahsuri (Mahsuri). This story took place in the 19th century, and the locals believe that Mahsuri was a real person, and there are even descendants of her family. Some versions of the legend tell of Princess Mahsuri, but in fact this is not so, and she was a simple girl, the daughter of immigrants from the island of Phuket in SIAM (today Thailand). She was the most beautiful girl on the island, and was married to the warrior Wan Darus, brother of the head of the village of Padang Matsirat, then the capital of the island.

One day her husband went to war with the Siamese (Thais). While he was away, Mahsuri befriended a traveler who arrived on the island, but their relationship was pure. But all the women on the island were very envious of her beauty, and especially envious of her sister-in-law, who was the wife of the village head. She began to spread rumors that Mahsuri was cheating on her husband, and this at that time was a great crime, which was punishable by execution. Despite her pleas of innocence, the villagers sentenced her to death.

Dagger & quot;Chris";

The execution was brutal. The girl was tied to a post and began to take her life with the help of a traditional dagger "Chris". But no matter how much they tried to kill her, she did not die, although she suffered very much. She then pleaded and told the executioners that only her ancestral dagger could kill her. When the executioners used the ancestral dagger, she finally stopped suffering and died, and white blood began to flow from her wounds – a sign of innocence. The villagers realized in horror that they had executed an innocent woman, but it was too late. With her last breaths, Mahsuri whispered that she cursed the island and all its inhabitants, and troubles would be rained down on them for seven generations.

Locals sincerely believe in the legend and believe that the curse finally ended at the end of the last century. They claim that since then the island began to live peacefully, troubles and tragedies ceased to occur on it, and tourism began to develop.

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