Langkawi's Pregnant Maiden Lake

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Lake of the pregnant virgin

The local name of the lake of the Pregnant Maiden is "Dayang Bunting lake". It is located on the neighboring island of Langkawi Dayang island or Pulau Dayang. The island is quite large (more than 13 kilometers long), the second largest in the entire Langkawi archipelago, and on its territory there is a Geopark, which together with the lake can be studied for more than one day.

The peculiarity of the lake is that it is freshwater, although it is only a few tens of meters from the shore, washed by salty ocean waters. In the place where tourists are brought, there is a pontoon embankment and a walking path along the coast. If you follow the trail, you can walk to a point called The "Miracle Border", where the boundary between the salty ocean and the fresh lake is only 30 meters. In the lake itself you can swim or just plunge into the pools equipped in pontoons, swim on water bikes (catamarans). In the water of the lake there are small fish, which are used in the procedures of exotic fish massage (fish massage). You can put your feet in the water and enjoy a fish massage in natural conditions, and completely free. But the most important thing about the lake is its miraculous properties, at least so the legend says.

According to local ancient legend, the forbidden love of the beautiful princess sari and the commoner Mat Tej resulted in the birth of a child. However, the baby could not survive and died 7 days after birth. The Nymphs took his body, and after that the child turned into a white crocodile. Home for him was the lake, which he began to protect from evil forces. The Princess blessed the waters of the lake and asked the higher powers to help any woman who wants to give birth to a child. Since that moment, the water has become fresh and remains so to this day. Locals sincerely believe that a sip of water from the lake or swimming in it helps even an infertile woman get pregnant. Whether this is true or not, you will find out after you visit there. There is a simpler legend, according to which the child was born from the connection of mystical creatures of the elves, and died seven days after birth. The Elf mother decided to bury him in this beautiful lake, after which it became magical. And another confirmation of The Legend are the hills of the island, which at a certain point from the water resemble the profile of a pregnant woman lying on her back. These hills are always shown to tourists during boat tours.

The scientific version of the origin of the lake is much more prosaic: earlier in the place of the lake there was a mountain dotted with caves, and many millions of years ago it collapsed, forming a valley, which eventually filled with fresh rainwater.

🕐 Working hours: around the clock.

💵 Entrance fee / tickets price: entrance to the territory of the geopark – 5 ringgit / for children-3 ringgit / excursions from 35 ringgit.

🚶 How to get there: the lake is located a few kilometers south of Langkawi on the neighboring island of the same name (Lake on the map). It is most convenient and cheapest to visit it as part of a group excursion, which are called Island Hopping, cost from 35 to 50 ringgit this is one of the most popular excursions in Langkawi, and it is offered to tourists in every travel agency on the street. Such excursions include visits to several attractions at once. The most popular proposed itinerary: "Pregnant Maiden" Lake; Monkey Beach Recreation on Beras Basah island; feeding red-brown Eagles off the coast of Singa Besar island. During these tours, tourists are brought to the island for about one hour. Disembarkation takes place at the pier 10 minutes walk from the lake. Next you need to go along the stone path and steep steps directly to the shore of the lake. While you get there and rest, take precautions when meeting monkeys: do not feed them, keep a close eye on your belongings, hide glasses, wallets, chains (See also how to behave with monkeys, precautions).

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