The main tourist route on the island

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If you do not have a lot of time to travel around the island in search of individual attractions, then the easiest way is to drive along the popular tourist route to Chocolate Hills. Most of the tourist attractions and attractions are concentrated on this route, and it ends with a tour of the famous Chocolate Hills from the observation deck. Along the way, you can visit at least the following places:

This list is far from complete, but the most important thing is worth a visit. Also, every year more and more tourist attractions are opened, which are easy to find along the route by signs and signs, and you can also download points for map applications from our maps of Bohol with attractions.

After visiting the Chocolate Hills lookout, you can return by the same road, or you can drive further to the canumantad waterfall, and return by road along the coast through Jagna. Another option is a little shorter than the waterfall - through the Sierra Bullones (Sierra Bullones). Nothing particularly interesting except beautiful landscapes and village life with the latter option you will not see.

Whatever route you choose, it is best to start it as early as possible, because despite the seemingly small distances, the trip will take a lot of time. Just to get from Alona Beach to the Chocolate Hills without stopping on a motorbike, it will take 3 hours, and if you make stops, the trip can stretch for 6 hours or more in one direction, and you will still need to return.

Chocolate Hills

🕐 Working hours: it is best to move out on this route early in the morning in order to have time to return before dark.

💵 Entrance fee / tickets price: entrance to various attractions along the route from 50 pesos (0.86 USD, see more about the currency of the Philippines), group excursion from Alona Beach from 400 pesos, rent a motorcycle from 250 pesos.

🚶 How to get there: it is best to drive the main tourist route in Bohol yourself by rented transport (see about transport rental in Alona Beach), so you can see everything you want. But if this is not possible, then you can buy a group tour from 400 pesos in Alona Beach, or hire a driver with a car from 2500 pesos for the whole day.

Also, you can drive along the route quite cheaply on local transport. To do this, from Alona Beach, you first need to take a bus or jeepney to The Dao Integrated Terminal bus terminal (bus station on the map) in Tagbilaran, and from there take buses and jeepneys with stops in the places you are interested in to the Chocolate Hills. Transport on this road (to the city of Carmen through the pubis) goes a lot and often, so you can get out in the place you are interested in, and then again sit on the passing one.

You can also see possible options for other excursions to the island of Bohl, which can be booked online:

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