Chocolate hills of Bohol / Bohol Chocolate Hills

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Chocolate hills of Bohol (Bohol Chocolate Hills) – this is one of the most famous attractions of the Philippines, the visiting card of the country and the island. They are even depicted on the coat of arms and flag of the province Bohol, and proposed for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List as a geological monument, but not yet (in 2020) accepted.

In total, Bohol has about one and a half thousand Chocolate Hills with a height of 30 to 120 meters, they are located on an area of 50 square kilometers. It is believed that they should be visited by every tourist vacationing on the island of Bohol and Panglao. But, on the other hand, you need to understand that their popularity is far ahead of their real entertainment. On the most popular observation deck, from where they have objectively the best view in all of Bohol, you will spend 10-20 minutes, there is nothing longer to do here. But to get to it from Alona Beach Resort, it will take at least two hours in one direction, and the same amount back. And taking into account the fact that along the way you will make stops at other tourist places along the route, the whole trip will take a whole day, and all this for the sake of 10 minutes on the observation deck. But, of course, you can not visit them.

In fact, the Chocolate Hills are green, and they turn brown only during the dry season from February to May, when the green grass covering the slopes dries and burns out. And, by the way, there are Chocolate Hills not only on Bohol, but also on other islands of the Philippines, they are just the most beautiful here, and there are more of them.

Chocolate Hills
Chocolate Hills
Chocolate Hills

How to visit the Chocolate Hills in Bohol

Chocolate Hills occupy a vast area in the central part of the island, and you will see them just during trips around the island. You can even drive off the main roads and drive through the villages among the hills, but the best views are from specially equipped viewing platforms on the hills. There are only two of them:

  • Chocolate Hills Complex

    The most popular and convenient viewing point to visit from Alona Beach (observation deck on the map). It is reached by a good asphalt road through the town of Loboc, and along its entire length there are many tourist attractions and attractions that can be visited along the way. Of course, on the observation deck and next to it there is a cafe, a souvenir shop, a medical center and the police. This site is interesting because there is a training ground nearby where you can ride rented ATVs, but contrary to the descriptions in the guidebooks, you will not ride on the hills, but at their foot.

  • Sagbayan Peak

    Located a little further from Alona Beach (observation deck on the map). Along the way there are no other attractions and attractions, but next to the observation deck there is a park with sculptures of animals and movie characters, a swimming pool, a garden, a cafe.

Observation deck
Polygon for quads
View of the hills from the road

Panorama of Chocolate Hills

How the Chocolate Hills formed

If you believe the current theory of their appearance, then once these lands were under water, and corals actively lived and developed on them. As a result of the stratification of Nova corals and limestone deposits over millions of years, Hills began to form in the water, and then due to the rise of the surface as a result of tectonic activity or a decrease in ocean level, they were above the surface of the water, and formed the entire island. At least, this is the theory presented in the local museum in Tagbilaran, although there are other versions, for example, that they were formed as a result of volcanic activity.

🕐   working hours

Chocolate Hills Complex is open from 08:00 to 23:00. Please note that not during the dry season from June to December in the afternoon there are often rains and heavy clouds, so try to get here in the morning.

💵   Entrance fee / tickets price

Access to the observation deck - 50 pesos per person (0.86 USD, see for more information about the Philippine currency), parking is free.

🚶 How to get there

As we have already mentioned, it is best to see the hills from one of the viewing platforms. Here's how to get to each one.

  • Observation deck Chocolate Hills Complex is located 68 kilometers from Alona Beach (observation deck on the map). You can get to it in these ways:

    • Excursions. Available in Alona Beach from 400 pesos. There are more expensive options with stops and visits to attractions along the way and nearby, with a river cruise on the Lobok river, etc., there is something to choose from. Tours to Alona Beach are offered in hotels, travel agencies on the street, distributors on the beach.

      You can also see possible options for other excursions to the island of Bohl, which can be booked online:

      Найти экскурсии онлайн (с отзывами)
    • By rented transport. By Motobike or car it is 2-3 hours drive without stopping, and if you make stops at tourist attractions along the way, it will take half a day. But we recommend that you first drive to the hills (to avoid possible rain and clouds), and on the way back already make stops. Google's route planner and navigators can build different routes, but you need to go strictly through the city of Loboc (Loboc), since this is the only good road. It is mostly flat, without serpentines, except for a few places with sharp turns. Upon arrival, you need to pay the entrance fee in a booth near the road, and drive further to the top of the hill, where there is a spacious free parking area and the entire complex. From there you need to walk to the top of the observation deck on the steps.

      See learn more about renting transport in Alona Beach here...

    • On buses. There are no direct routes from Alona Beach, you will need to change trains. First from Alona Beach by airport bus for 50 pesos or jeepney for 20 you need to go to the main bus terminal of Tagbilaran Dao Bus Terminal (). Buses to Carmen and jeepneys to Loboc depart frequently from the terminal during the day. Sit on the one that is more convenient and that goes earlier. If you take the bus to Carmen, it will stop right at the entrance to the Chocolate Hills Complex, from where you can only walk up. If you take a jeepney to Loboc, you will need to change to another jeepney or a passing bus to Carmen.

  • Sagbayan Peak observation deck is located 70 kilometers from Alona Beach (observation deck on the map). It is also now reached by a good road from Alon and Tagbilaran, but along the way there is nothing interesting. It will take about 3 hours to drive one way. Group excursions to this observation deck are not offered, so you have to go by taxi or rented transport. You can also get there by bus, but you will have to first get from Alon Beach to The Dao Bus Terminal, then take a bus to Tubigon, and from there you can get by jeepney or tricycle.

How to get to the Chocolate Hills from Cebu island

If you are vacationing on Cebu Island in Cebu City or on In the case of Mactan, then for one day you can swim to Bohol and see the Chocolate Hills. If you rest in Moalboal, then this can also be done, but you will have to first get to Cebu City to the pier by bus or taxi, for which you will have to leave at 4 am.

So, the most convenient Marina on Bohol in order to get from Cebu closer to the hills is in Tubigon (Tubigon Port on the map). Ferries to the Port of Tubigon go from Cebu City very often, every 1-2 hours from 4 am to midnight, and there are even night flights. Companies operate along the route:

Further in Tubigon, you will need to take a jeepney or tricycle to the Sagbayan Peak observation deck.

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👍 огромная благодарность, человеку, который это все написал… детализировано все собрано, чётко, лаконично..!! 🔥🔥🔥👌👌👍👍👍
Отличное описание! Только информация немного устарела. На шоколадных холмах время работы примерно до 5-ти вечера, есть парковка для авто (бесплатная) у подножия холма, оплачиваете входной билет 100 песо и оттуда трансфер до смотровой площадки на минивенах
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