Candi Sari Temple in Yogyakarta
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Candi Sari Temple was built at about the same time as Candi Kalasan, i.e. approximately this is the XVIII century. But this is a more traditional Buddhist temple built by Buddhist monks. The temple is two-storeyed, with three rooms on each floor. You can go inside. It is believed that monks used to live on the second floor.
🕐 Working hours: 08:00 – 15:00, Seven days a week.
💵 Entrance fee / tickets price: 5000 rupees(0.32 USD, see currency and money of Indonesia, exchange rate).
🚶 How to get there: Chandi Sari Temple is located near Prambanana near the main road (temple on the map). You can get there by rented transport, taxi, or by bus on the way to Prambanan.
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