Pahangog falls and caves

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If you choose the best waterfall worth visiting from Alona Beach and Panglao, then definitely pahangog falls. It is beautiful and large, here you can freely swim and jump into the water, as well as visit two small non-equipped caves. For swimming, you can rent a car tire for 30 pesos, there are tables and gazebos for having a picnic.

As for the caves, you can visit them yourself or ask a local guide (a woman who collects money for admission), she will take you to the cave for a tip of 20-50 pesos. The lower cave is at the level of the waterfall, but it is filled with water inside, you can enter it only 10 meters, then only on the water. How deep it leads and what is further inside, we do not know. Finding this cave is easy: after crossing the wooden bridge over the waterfall river, you need to follow the path to the right and up along the rocks, and after about 50 meters it will lead you to the entrance.

The second cave is the upper one. It is above the waterfall, and dry inside. Unfortunately, the ceiling in it collapsed, it is impossible to go deep, and it is not very safe inside. On the last descent to the waterfall you will see a path that goes sharply to the left, the entrance to the cave is 30 meters along this path.

To visit the caves, you need a lantern. Do not interfere with comfortable non-slip shoes, and insect repellents, there are a lot of mosquitoes inside.

Pahangog Waterfall

🕐 Working hours: 08:00-17:00.

💵 Entrance fee / tickets price: 30 pesos (0.52 USD, see more about the currency of the Philippines), rent a swimming tire - 30, rent a gazebo - 50.

🚶 How to get there: Pahangog waterfall is located in the village of Dimiao, from Alona it is 80 kilometers (waterfall on the map). You can get to it only by taxi or rented transport, buses do not go here. You need to follow the signs or navigator to the entrance to the village, where there will be a parking lot with a sign. Then you have to walk 2 kilometers to the waterfall, or use the services of local motorcycle taxis, which for 100 pesos will take you closer to the waterfall, but you still have to walk the last part of the way down the stairs. Theoretically, you can drive further from the parking lot yourself, but sometimes the locals do not allow it, and you can not drive far: the road is very bad, often puddles and mud, so you will not go far on an automatic motorcycle.

You can also see possible options for other excursions to the island of Bohl, which can be booked online:

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Pahangog waterfall Panorama

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