Centrop zoo / CENTROP
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Centrop zoo (CENTROP or Silliman University Center for Tropical Studies, aka A. Y. Reyes Garden) – the only zoo in the city, and at the same time one of the saddest places. It is simply in a terribly neglected state. The territory is dirty, animals sit in dirty cages. It is worth visiting it only if you want to donate some money to care for it, since the university apparently does not allocate enough. According to the description at the entrance, 23 species of plants and 16 species of animals grow here, but in fact the main part of the zoo's population is spotted deer. Also in dirty cages live monkeys, wild cat, crocodile, python, several species of birds, flying fox.
🕐 Working hours: 08:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00.
💵 Entrance fee / tickets price: admission is free, but at the entrance the guard will ask you to register in the magazine and leave symbolic donations of 5 or 10 pesos (0.17 USD, see Philippine currency and exchange rate). If you decide to leave the amount more, be sure to throw it personally into the donation box, and do not give it to the guard in his hands, because he takes the change for himself.
🚶 How to get there: located on the outskirts of the city in the cul-de-sac of Ipil Street (Zoo on the map). Here you can walk from the center in 20 minutes, or take a jeepney towards the port of Simbulan on the main road for 8 pesos, get off at the intersection after Freedom Park, and then walk 5 minutes.
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