Philippines in November
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November is the month when, finally, after five months of bad weather in some resorts of the country, the tourist season begins, and more or less normal weather is established. Of course, even in October, you can get into completely bad weather, because it is still not predictable, but at least the chances of this are less. Tourist season starts at Boracay, Manila and the island of Luzon, partly on the island of Palawan. Islands Cebu, Bohol, Siquijor, Negros still rains.
But despite the fact that in some regions good weather is established, the season of tropical storms and hurricanes does not end. It lasts until December inclusive, and often the most destructive and powerful hurricanes occur at the end of the season. So be prepared for a possible sharp deterioration in weather, interruption of air and sea traffic, evacuation to safe points (usually administrative buildings or schools). Bad weather and interruption of transport communication can last 1-3 days.
See also:
- Seasons in the Philippines and when it is better to go here...
- Holidays in the Philippines in October
- Holidays in the Philippines in December
You can pick up a tour to the Philippines in November on one of these trusted sites that compare prices from different tour operators, and allow you to purchase them at no extra charge at the price of the tour operator:
- Philippines tours on Level.Travel
- Philippines tours on (promocodes here)
- Philippines tours on
Weather in the resorts of the Philippines by month
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