The triumphal arch of Patuxai in Vientiane
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The Arc de Triomphe of Patuxai in Vientiane is one of the most iconic architectural and historical places in Vientiane. Officially, the Arch is called the Victory Monument, and is also known as the victory Gate. It is a copy of the Paris Arc de Triomphe, while dedicated to the fighters for independence from France. It was built in 1957-1969 with funds and cement allocated by the United States for the construction of a new airport, but is still considered an object of unfinished construction.
Arka, together with the surrounding National Park, can confidently be called the cleanest and most well-groomed place in all of Laos. On the square there is a fountain, benches for recreation, flower beds are broken. Inside the arch you can go and climb to the observation deck at the top. From there you can see almost the whole of Vientiane, and nothing blocks the view, because there are no high-rise buildings. Also inside the building there is a market of souvenirs and goods for tourists.
Finishing inside the arch
The market inside
Observation deck on the roof
Top view
The Triumphal Arch of Patusai in Vientiane, Laos
The Triumphal Arch of Patusai in Vientiane, Laos
🕐 Working hours: 08:00 - 16:00, seven days a week.
💵 Entrance fee / tickets price: entrance is free, but access to the observation deck is 3,000 Kip (0.14 USD, see Lao currency and exchange rate).
🚶 How to get there: located in the city center, most places and the Talat Sao bus station can be reached on foot (arch on the map).
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