Tham Kang cave in Muang Ngoi Nua

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There was a stream at the bottom of the cave, and to explore it, he would have to strip at least to the waist. If you go deeper, you can see a small waterfall. There are bats inside. Next to it is a grotto with a pool, the water from which under the rock falls into the cave. There are large fish in the pool. If you go along the road a little further, then in the same rock there will be another shallow cave with a statue of Buddha. You can visit the cave during a day hiking trip to three ethnic villages. Be sure to take a flashlight.

Tham Kang Cave
Tham Kang Cave
Tham Kang Cave

🕐 Working hours: around the clock, it is better to visit during the day.

💵 Entrance fee / tickets price: for the entrance to the cave and access to the three villages you need to pay 10,000 Kip.

🚶 How to get there: located 30 minutes walk from the center on the road to three villages (cave on the map).

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