Snorkeling in Sharm el-Sheikh

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Snorkeling in Sharm el-Sheikh

You can observe the underwater world of the Red Sea in Sharm el-Sheikh with the help of diving, excursions on boats with a glass bottom or on a tourist bathyscaphe-a submarine. But the most accessible way was and still is snorkeling. If you have your own mask and tube, then be sure to take it with you on vacation, and if not, you can rent on the spot from $ 2, or buy a set from $ 10 here. You will also need special beach shoes for swimming, these so-called aqua shoes or corals. It is better to buy them right away, because in any case they are needed for a beach holiday in Sharm el-Sheikh. You can buy them at the resort for 5-10 dollars.

Snorkeling is a simple and relatively safe activity compared to diving, since the observation of the underwater world takes place mainly in shallow water near the shore. If you go snorkeling with an excursion, then you will have instructors-guides who will show you everything, tell you and will look after you. But still, before you go for serious snorkeling, we advise you to first practice near the shore. The fact is that the apparent simplicity here still requires skill and habit. Well, frankly speaking, the first swimming with a mask can cause anxiety and fear, which lead to panic. And panic, as you know, leads to rapid contraction of the lungs, which in conditions of breathing through the tube leads to a lack of oxygen and even more panic. You need to get used to it, and then you will feel calm in the water.

The best places for snorkeling in Sharm el-Sheikh

There are plenty of places for snorkeling in Sharm el-Sheikh, and you don't even have to pay for admission to coral beaches, because almost any hotel beach here can find rocky places with corals and fish. Of course, there may be very few underwater life on crowded or sandy beaches, and if you are unlucky in this regard with your hotel beach, you can go to a free wild beach when leaving the bay of Sharm el-Maya, aka Alex beach, and aka Military beach. If you don't mind a couple of dollars, then you can go to the paid beaches in the El Fanar areas, in particular in the southern bay of Ras Um El-Sid, in Nabq Bay, where there are wonderful conditions: entering the water from pontoons, thanks to which corals and a rich underwater world are preserved. But the most magnificent conditions for snorkeling can be obtained during a trip to Ras Mohammed National Park or on sea excursions to the islands. You can buy such excursions from hotel guides (expensive), in street travel agencies (cheaper, but not very reliable), or on these proven excursion search sites:

Snorkeling in Sharm el-Sheikh

Snorkeling videos in Sharm el-Sheikh

Panorama of snorkeling in Sharm el-Sheikh

🕐Working hours: during daytime.

💵Entrance fee / ticket price: Free of charge on your own, plus you may need to pay a paid entrance fee to the beaches of 2-3 US dollars. Sea excursions with snorkeling cost from $ 20.

🚶 How to get there: You can do simple snorkeling on any hotel beach, or on a free beach when leaving the bay of Sharm el-Maya. There is a more intense underwater life on the coral beaches in the El Fanar areas, in particular in the southern bay of Ras Um El-Sid and in Nabq Bay. Well, the richest and most beautiful underwater flora and fauna is in the Ras Mohammed National Park and on sea excursions to the islands.

💥 We remind you that it is much more interesting to get acquainted with the sights of Sharm el-Sheikh with the help of excursions, and therefore we advise you to look at online booking options on these proven search and price comparison sites:

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💥 Спасибо, полезная ссылка 😊!
очень понравилось жена с сыном просятся опять туда😄.Я хоть и не умею плавать вижу там очень класно👍.Обязательно научусь плавать😁🌏❤
Обожаю Шарм, супер снорклинг 👍
Такое необычное название у этого занятия. Даже не знала, как называется плавание с маской. Увидеть подводный мир - это как будто волшебство. Так как то, что скрыто от глаз. Главное, чтобы гиды были рядом,
Ездили на экскурсию в парк Рас Мохамед - очень много народу, а риф не впечатлил. У нас около отеля Шератон был свой прекрасный риф с большим количеством разноцветных рыбок, снорклинг был супер!
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