Should I go to Egypt in July

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Holidays in Egypt in July and what is the weather like there

In Egypt in July

Egypt is a country with a tropical climate, you can relax here all year round. This is what attracts thousands of tourists here. The summer months, especially July, are considered not the best month for a trip, largely due to the high air temperature, with a non-decreasing mark of +44 ℃ and above. However, there is no need to give up a holiday in Egypt in July. And if there is an opportunity to go, then we will note some important points that you need to know about before departure:

The sweltering heat, which began in June, continues in July. The air and water are warmed up so much that the temperature drops slightly during the night. This may affect the choice of Egypt as a vacation destination. Nevertheless, July is a great time for beach activities, sea excursions and a relaxing stay at the hotel. Sightseeing activities should be postponed or pick up a less sultry day. Special attention during this period should be paid to people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

The fruit season starts in July. The already filled counters with bananas, watermelons, melons, grapes, peaches and apricots are diluted with exotics – delicious guava, sweet figs, fragrant mango and juicy prickly pear.

The average temperature regime in well-known and popular resorts, such as Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada and others, reaches:

Weather in Egypt in July
Sharm el-Sheikh Hurghada Cairo
Absolute Maximum ℃ 46 44 44,3
Average Temperature ℃ 32,4 31,6 28,6
The Absolute Minimum ℃ 20 21 17,3
Water Temperature ℃ 28 27 -
Precipitation, mm. 0 0 0

From the table it is clear that July is one of the hottest and hottest months. This is the characteristic summer Egyptian weather. The average temperature during the day stays at +31, and at noon it can rise to +38, and in the evening it drops slightly. Even a light breeze does not bring relief. In the evenings, life comes to life, it's time for night walks, you won't need a jacket anymore. During the day, it is better to wear light closed clothes for walks and apply sun cream to open areas.

The water in the sea is warmed up so much that you don't want to get out of it. This time will really appeal to children who cannot be pulled out of the water. July is suitable for water activities. Popular boat trips to the islands, fishing, snorkeling and diving. Vacationers spend a lot of time on the beach and by the pool, so do not forget about precautions. It is better to sunbathe in the morning or evening, or to hide during the day from direct sunlight under umbrellas and canopies. Use sun protection products with a high factor. Protect your head on walks with a cap or baseball cap, wear sunglasses.

There is no rain in July, and the sky is cloudless and clear.

The winds are not strong and bring coolness, but only in the evenings. During the day, they are almost imperceptible. Inconvenience can be caused by a dry and exhausting wind blowing from the desert, which brings more heat.

The light day in July is long, and it starts to get dark around seven o'clock:

  • 🕑 Exact time of dawn in Egypt(in Sharm el-Sheikh) today: 06:21
  • 🕑 Exact sunset time in Egypt(in Sharmel-Sheikh) today: 17:31

Pros and cons of holidays in Egypt in July

And now let's summarize and list the pros and cons of a holiday in Egypt in July:

Advantages of holidays in Egypt in July

  • The flow of holidaymakers is decreasing due to the high season, including less on beaches and trips to attractions.
  • Cheap prices for tours, flights, accommodation and excursions.
  • A good time for a beach holiday.
  • This is a great time for diving, snorkeling.
  • You can go with children.
  • The light day is long.
  • There are a lot of fruits, they are cheap.
  • You don't have to take warm clothes with you.

Cons of holidays in Egypt in July

  • The air is very warm, it becomes unbearable in the sun.
  • Trips on excursions to the pyramids and the desert should be postponed due to the intense heat.
  • Not a good time for those who can't stand the heat.

Where is it better to go to Egypt in July and tips on choosing a place to stay

The most comfortable place to relax in July will be the coast, where the heat is not so much felt, and a light breeze from the sea will bring salvation from the heat. Hurghada and other coastal resorts will be welcome. However, the difference between the rest of the resort cities of Egypt, as a rule, is not critical, only 1-2℃. If you happen to grab an inexpensive tour to any of the resorts in Egypt, and this is quite possible in high season, then you should definitely take it. You can pick up online tours at affordable prices from a tour operator on these reliable and trusted sites:

Выгодные туры в Египет

There are no peculiarities in choosing a hotel in the July period, everything is approximately in the same conditions. However, it is still worth choosing the one that will be closer to the coast. The heat is easier to tolerate here, due to its proximity to the sea, and the dry and hot wind from the desert almost does not reach.

Excursions in July become even dangerous, because you will have to spend a lot of time in the heat and there will not be anywhere to hide. Sightseeing in Cairo, Luxor, Giza in the scorching sun will not be a pleasure. In case the trip is not postponed until the favorable season, then dress up for the excursion in closed clothes, take a panama hat or a baseball cap, sun protection products will not interfere and take a lot of water. In addition, at any of the resorts, there are museums in the walls of which you can hide and see a lot of interesting things. Boat trips, fishing, water parks, dolphinariums and other beach activities are recommended in July.

Weather and seasons in Sharm el-Sheikh

Seasons in Sharm el-Sheikh by month, when is the best time to go
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

* the best time to visit;
acceptable time to visit;
not recommended time to visit

Средняя температура in Sharm el-Sheikh по месяцам
янв фев мар апр май июн июл авг сен окт ноя дек 18° 19.4° 21.7° 25.5° 29.1° 31.2° 32.4° 32.2° 31.1° 28° 23.8° 19.9°
Осадки in Sharm el-Sheikh по месяцам
янв фев мар апр май июн июл авг сен окт ноя дек 0.5мм 0.2мм 1.2мм 0.2мм 0.5мм 0мм 0мм 0мм 0.04мм 0.8мм 3.3мм 0.5мм

Current weather in Sharm el-Sheikh and forecast

Weather and seasons in Hurghada

Seasons in Hurghada by month, when is the best time to go
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

* the best time to visit;
acceptable time to visit;
not recommended time to visit

Средняя температура in Hurghada по месяцам
янв фев мар апр май июн июл авг сен окт ноя дек 18° 19.4° 21.7° 25.5° 29.1° 31.2° 32.4° 32.2° 31.1° 28° 23.8° 19.9°
Осадки in Hurghada по месяцам
янв фев мар апр май июн июл авг сен окт ноя дек 0.5мм 0.2мм 1.2мм 0.2мм 0.5мм 0мм 0мм 0мм 0.04мм 0.8мм 3.3мм 0.5мм

Current weather in Hurghada and forecast

  • 16 Фев
    Влаж. 35%
  • 16 Фев
    Влаж. 45%
  • 17 Фев
    переменная облачность
    Влаж. 44%
  • 17 Фев
    Влаж. 37%
  • 18 Фев
    Влаж. 45%
  • 18 Фев
    Влаж. 30%
  • 18 Фев
    Влаж. 34%
  • 19 Фев
    Влаж. 25%
  • 19 Фев
    Влаж. 21%
  • 19 Фев
    Влаж. 33%
  • 20 Фев
    Влаж. 61%
  • 20 Фев
    Влаж. 35%

* - прогноз указан по местному времени. Данные получены с Если отображаются устаревшие даты, обновите страницу с помощью F5+Ctrl.

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