Should I go to Egypt in October

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Holidays in Egypt in October and what is the weather like there

Sharks Bay in Sharm el-Sheikh

The country of the pyramids attracts tourists from many countries, thanks to its good service and mild climate. It's always warm and sunny here. You can relax and enjoy your holidays all year round. At the same time, each season has its own nuances, which should be known in advance, before the trip. There are such on vacation in October:

The velvet season, which began in September, continues. The weather is becoming more similar to the summer months of southern Russia. The air and water feel the most pleasant. The established atmosphere attracts more and more vacationers and prices for tours and accommodation are significantly increasing. At this time, you can enjoy spending time both on the beach and comfortably go on educational excursions and safaris.

As for fruits, in October there is a minimum of them: only bananas, guava, mango, dates and pomegranate. However, an exotic ashta or sugar apple appears, a sweet and fleshy greenish fruit that looks like a huge cone.

The values of air and water temperatures in the most famous Egyptian resorts of Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada and others, keep on average at such values:

Weather in Egypt in October
Sharm el-Sheikh Hurghada Cairo
Absolute Maximum ℃ 41 39,6 41,1
Average Temperature ℃ 28 26,4 24,1
The Absolute Minimum ℃ 17 15,9 11,1
Water Temperature ℃ 27 26 -
Precipitation, mm. 0,8 0,6 0,7

The table shows that the average daily temperature at the resorts is +26-28, and in fact it is bullish above. Sun protection may be needed to protect against the midday heat. And it is best to sunbathe in the morning and after three o'clock in the afternoon. By evening, the temperature drops to +18C-20℃, it becomes much cooler. In this case, it is worth taking a warm jacket or hoodie with you.

The sea in October is still warm and beckons like a magnet. The temperature is kept at +26-27℃ and I don't want to get out of the water at all. A pleasant addition to spending time on the beach is swimming with a mask and looking at the colorful underwater world. Amazing coral reefs attract scuba divers. You can also diversify your vacation with sea walks, fishing, and entertainment in water parks.

The probability of rains in October at all resorts is only 0.7-0.8 mm. The chances of getting caught in the rain are so minimal that it can be argued that there is no rain. The sky is clear and clear.

The wind blows hot and dry during the day, but it becomes noticeably cold after sunset. You will already need warm clothes.

The light day in October is shortening, the sun sets closer to half past six:

  • 🕑 Exact time of dawn in Egypt(in Sharm el-Sheikh) today: 06:21
  • 🕑 Exact sunset time in Egypt(in Sharmel-Sheikh) today: 17:31

Pros and cons of a holiday in Egypt in October

And now let's summarize and list the pros and cons of a holiday in Egypt in October:

Advantages of holidays in Egypt in October

  • The velvet season continues, the weather is the most comfortable.
  • A good time for beach holidays, diving, snorkeling, windsurfing and kitesurfing.
  • You can go with children.
  • The light day is long.
  • The best time for excursions.

Disadvantages of holidays in Egypt in October

  • There are a lot of vacationers on the beaches and on sightseeing trips.
  • Prices for tours, flights, accommodation and excursions are increasing.
  • There are few fruits.

Where is it better to go to Egypt in October and tips on choosing a place to stay

The hottest places for an October holiday are the resorts of Sharm el-Sheikh. The water and air temperatures here are 2℃ higher than the average in Hurghada and its environs, and there are few winds. However, the difference of a couple of degrees is so insignificant that this sign is unlikely to be decisive when choosing a resort. And if a cheap tour to one of these or other places turns up, then any one will do just fine. You can pick up and book online tours at the lowest prices from a tour operator on these reliable and trusted sites:

Выгодные туры в Египет

When going on vacation to Egypt in October, give priority to hotels near the coast. In addition to the convenient location and proximity to the sea, this is also an escape from the heat, which is easier to bear near water. Wind protection is not so critical yet, unlike in the winter months, so you should not pay attention to hotels in protected bays during this period.

October is a good month for excursions to Cairo, Luxor, Giza, Mount Moses and the monastery of St. Catherine. You can also visit some of the sights in the resort areas, which you can walk to yourself or take a taxi, or buy ready-made tours. In addition to historical sites, many entertainment programs are offered in the desert, quad bike rides, islands, snorkeling, water parks and dolphinariums. There are a lot of diving, windsurfing and kitesurfing schools in Egypt, and October is perfect for such activities.

Weather and seasons in Sharm el-Sheikh

Seasons in Sharm el-Sheikh by month, when is the best time to go
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

* the best time to visit;
acceptable time to visit;
not recommended time to visit

Средняя температура in Sharm el-Sheikh по месяцам
янв фев мар апр май июн июл авг сен окт ноя дек 18° 19.4° 21.7° 25.5° 29.1° 31.2° 32.4° 32.2° 31.1° 28° 23.8° 19.9°
Осадки in Sharm el-Sheikh по месяцам
янв фев мар апр май июн июл авг сен окт ноя дек 0.5мм 0.2мм 1.2мм 0.2мм 0.5мм 0мм 0мм 0мм 0.04мм 0.8мм 3.3мм 0.5мм

Current weather in Sharm el-Sheikh and forecast

Weather and seasons in Hurghada

Seasons in Hurghada by month, when is the best time to go
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

* the best time to visit;
acceptable time to visit;
not recommended time to visit

Средняя температура in Hurghada по месяцам
янв фев мар апр май июн июл авг сен окт ноя дек 18° 19.4° 21.7° 25.5° 29.1° 31.2° 32.4° 32.2° 31.1° 28° 23.8° 19.9°
Осадки in Hurghada по месяцам
янв фев мар апр май июн июл авг сен окт ноя дек 0.5мм 0.2мм 1.2мм 0.2мм 0.5мм 0мм 0мм 0мм 0.04мм 0.8мм 3.3мм 0.5мм

Current weather in Hurghada and forecast

  • 16 Фев
    Влаж. 35%
  • 16 Фев
    Влаж. 45%
  • 17 Фев
    переменная облачность
    Влаж. 44%
  • 17 Фев
    Влаж. 37%
  • 18 Фев
    Влаж. 45%
  • 18 Фев
    Влаж. 30%
  • 18 Фев
    Влаж. 34%
  • 19 Фев
    Влаж. 25%
  • 19 Фев
    Влаж. 21%
  • 19 Фев
    Влаж. 33%
  • 20 Фев
    Влаж. 61%
  • 20 Фев
    Влаж. 35%

* - прогноз указан по местному времени. Данные получены с Если отображаются устаревшие даты, обновите страницу с помощью F5+Ctrl.

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