Walking area on Youssef Afifi Street in Hurghada
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Walking area on Youssef Afifi Street (Youssef Affifi Rd) Located in the southern part of Hurghada in the tourist area of El Mamsha. She is not as popular and well-known as Sheraton, but she can easily compete with her in convenience and comfort for walking, and clearly wins in this. Basically, 4 and 5-star hotel complexes are located here, in the area of which this spacious pedestrian zone was formed.
Unlike Sheraton, the roadway of Yussuf Affifi Street is narrow and there are few vehicles on it. But the pedestrian zone running parallel to the highway, on the contrary, is very wide and long, almost 5 km. There are benches and cafes on it, modern sculptures and palm trees come across, shops, pharmacies, cafes and sports bars, souvenirs, a nightclub, offer tours and much more. The famous Little Buddha nightclub is located on this street. There is no intrusiveness and importunity from merchants. In other words, we definitely recommend taking a walk along Youssef Afifi if you live somewhere near it.
🕐 Working hours: around the clock.
💵Entrance fee / ticket price: free.
🚶 How to get there: Youssef Affifi Rd is located in the center of Hurghada in the main tourist area of El Mamsha (Youssef Afifi on the map).
💥 We remind you that it is much more interesting to get acquainted with the sights of Hurghada with the help of excursions, and therefore we advise you to look at online booking options on these proven search and price comparison sites:
- 📷 Search for excursions in Hurghada on Sputnik8.com
- 📷 Search for excursions in Hurghada on Tripster.ru
- 📷 Search for excursions in Hurghada on Tezeks.com
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