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Hurghada Grand Aquarium is an aquarium and a mini–zoo where you can enjoy spending time with your family. Although it is small, but quite diverse, it contains more than 1200 marine animals. The aquariums here are large, with different fish, sharks, rays, crocodiles, turtles. Shark feeding, which is carried out at a certain time according to the schedule, will make a special impression. However, for the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that in the reviews visitors sometimes complain about dirty glass and muddy water.
The mini-zoo contains rescued animals from all over Egypt. Among them are pelicans, flamingos, ostriches, monkeys, bats, snakes. It is also possible for everyone to feed turtles for an additional fee. There is a collection of prehistoric fossils in a separate room.
The aquarium has a cafe and a gift shop. Photographers offer to take a photo at the entrance and buy it at the exit, but all this is very intrusive and expensive. It also offers shark diving, a swimming time of 35 minutes, a cost of $ 125, but this requires an Open Water Dive certificate and pre-registration.
Hurghada Grand Aquarium Panorama
🕐 Working hours: from 9:00 to 19:00, the ticket office closes in 1 hour. Shark feeding is from 11:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 16:00, but may vary.
Entrance fee / ticket price: adult – $ 32, children from 4 to 10 years - $ 16, up to 4 years – free. In winter, there is a 10% discount.
🚶 How to get there: the aquarium is located in the south of the city, 12 kilometers from the center (Hurghada Grand Aquarium in Hurghada on the map). Theoretically, you can get here by taxi or minibuses, but it doesn't make much sense, because it's easier to buy a ready-made excursion with a transfer from the hotel's door at the price of an entrance ticket + a surcharge for the transfer. Buy excusria in the aquarium on, (the cheapest options are here) or
💥 We remind you that it is much more interesting to get acquainted with the sights of Hurghada with the help of excursions, and therefore we advise you to look at online booking options on these proven search and price comparison sites:
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