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What currency to take to Egypt

In Egypt, there will be no problems with the exchange of any of the two major world currencies - the euro and the US dollar, so you can safely take any of them, which you prefer or which is available. Moreover, in most cases, on vacation, you will not even need to change dollars or euros for Egyptian pounds, because in hotels, when buying excursions, for souvenirs in markets and tourist shops, it is quite possible to pay directly in dollars or euros, but there are nuances that we will discuss further.
Change or pay with currency
If you are going to Egypt for an all-inclusive vacation, then most likely you will need a minimum of free cash in order to buy a few souvenirs at the market and pay for excursions. Then you can do without currency exchange at all (whether you need to change the currency in Egypt, we tell you in detail here), and immediately pay in dollars or euros. The fact is that in tourist areas, resorts and markets near attractions, prices are almost always indicated and called in dollars, and you will be happy to accept payment in this currency, and sometimes even in euros. But still, preference is given to dollars, and they prefer not to bother with euros. You will also be happy to accept euros or dollars in any tourist destination where prices are initially indicated in pounds, but the rate of pounds will be considered at an unfavorable rate, and in such cases you need to know the current rate and bargain.

Moreover, tourists' payments in foreign currency are even stimulated by the official authorities. For example, starting in 2023, foreigners can buy train tickets in Egypt only for euros or dollars. At the same time, please note that foreign currency cannot be paid in large supermarkets, shopping centers or chain stores, and it is also unprofitable to pay in dollars or euros for transportation.

Биржевой курс обмена (египетский фунт) на сегодня ()
- 100 фунт (EGP) = 179,78 рублей (RUB)
- 1 доллар США (USD) = 50,60 EGP
- 100 рублей (RUB) = 55,62 EGP
- 1 евро (EUR) = 53,08 EGP
Реальный курс обмена валюты *
- 1 доллар США (USD) ≈ 49,59 - 50,50 EGP
- 1 евро (EUR) ≈ 52,02 - 52,97 EGP
* - Расчет реального курса обмена произведен с учетом комиссий, которые удерживаются обменными пунктами и банками за обмен. Он может быть и выше расчетного, но если вам предлагают курс обмена ниже этого, это повод задуматься о поиске другого места для обмена.
* - При включенном виджете, курс обмена выбранной валюты будет отображаться в правом сайдбаре на каждой странице сайта, пока вы его не отключите сами.
Чтобы выгодно и безопасно рассчитываться во время путешествий и отдыха, рекомендуем оформить одну из карт банка Т-Банка (Тинькофф), созданных специально для любителей путешествий. С картой Т-Банка можно выгодно конвертировать валюты онлайн, получать мили и кэшбек за покупки. Оформление и доставка карты совершенно бесплатно. Узнать больше и оформить карту Т-Банка для путешественников онлайн можно здесь:
- Дебетовая All Airlines - оформите карту по ссылке и введите промокод LETIM2025, получите бесплатное обслуживание на год + бесплатная страховка по всему миру для активного вида отдыха.
- 💳 Дебетовая Black - повышенный кэшбэк 10% вместо 5% на ряд категорий (одежда и обувь, топливо, аптеки, фастфуд, рестораны, Ozon), 3 месяца подписки Pro в подарок
Информация и промокоды предоставлены партнером (Реклама. ООО "Тинькофф Партнеры". ИНН 7743369908) и имеют ограниченный срок действия.
What will give change when paying in dollars or euros
When calculating in dollars or euros in Egypt, the change can be given both in local pounds and in the settlement currency, but this issue needs to be clarified before the transaction, otherwise you will easily be "fused" as a change of pounds not particularly needed by the Egyptians themselves, and even at an unfavorable rate. Therefore, we repeat once again: discuss everything, or even better, record and demonstrate all planned purchase-exchange-delivery operations on paper or a calculator and demonstrate them to the seller before you hand over the money to the seller, otherwise after that all conversations will be useless. After all, Egyptians very easily turn on the "I hear nothing and understand nothing" mode for tourists when it is profitable for them.

Is it possible to carry and exchange rubles
As for rubles, it makes no sense to take them to Egypt for exchange or settlement. If you try very hard, then in the resort areas you can find private money changers or other tourists who can exchange rubles for pounds. But, unfortunately, the conversion rate will be extremely unprofitable, because even the Egyptians understand that the ruble is unpredictable and can "fail" at any moment. Therefore, rubles in Egypt will be appropriate only in the most critical cases, when you have no other money left, the cards do not work, and you really need to pay off.