This article has been translated from Russian language using an artificial intelligence-based translation algorithm. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the quality of the translation. You can read the original of this article in Russian here, and ask questions on the topic of our travel forum in English here.
How to use the map?
Suggested map Egypt is interactive, and requires Javascript enabled in the browser for its operation. If you see icons of attractions, districts and transport on the map, then everything works for you.
When ad blockers like Adblock are enabled in your browser, the map does not work. If you want the map to be displayed, you need to disable the blocker, or add the site Our Planet to the exceptions.
List of objects on the map Egypt
At the bottom of the map you can see grouped lists of all objects (transport stations, districts and beaches, attractions, etc.). Clicking on the name of any object in the list, the map will automatically take you to the right place (well, not you, of course, but only its display :-). Double-clicking will take you even closer to the location of the object.
You can set a car or walking route, determine the distance to any point or marker (hotel, attraction) on the map from your current location. Just click on the icon of the attraction or hotel, and in the tooltip that opens you will see the link "set a route here". In order to get a route to an arbitrary point on the map, you need to right-click anywhere on the map, and in the tooltip that opens, click the link "get a route to this point".
Important! The routing function works only when the "My Journey on the Map" location service is enabled. Also keep in mind that the route may not be laid across the borders of states, regions without roads marked on the map, water barriers, etc.
Information about the object and the transition to its description
- By hovering the cursor over the icon of an object on the map, you will see its name.
- Clicking once on the icon of the object, you will see the name of the object, its coordinates and a link to go to the description of the object.
- By double-clicking on the icon of the object, you will go to the description of the object (opens in a new window).
Your position on the map Egypt
If your browser and hardware support determining your location on the map, you can see your current position on the map, and go to it by clicking on Where am I on the map?.
Hotels Egypt on the map
On some maps you can see the location of hotels in the form of icons . By clicking on such an icon, you can get brief information about the hotel (name, category, cost and photo), and if you wish, go to full information about the hotel, checking the price, room availability and hotel booking. If the hotel icons prevent you from working with the map, you can hide them by unchecking the "Show hotels" label in the upper right corner of the map.
Printable version
We have tried to make it so that you can print out the sections of the map you need with the objects marked on it at your request. Your browser will automatically remove all unnecessary page elements when printing and change the page format to Landscape. If this does not happen, you must manually change the page orientation to Landscape in the print window so that the map is printed correctly. And don't forget that you can change the scale of the image that will be printed, not only directly on the map, but also using your browser to put the entire image on one sheet.